Book Cliche Two- Bad Boy

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Once again, I apologize in advance if I offend you in any way.

Alright. Cliche Two. Let's do this thing.

Okay, so the bad boy thing. Honestly, this is one, if not the one, that I hate the most.

Why are almost all the books on this website about the bad boy?

So, here we have the Bad Boy-The one who drinks, smokes, has a motorcycle, gets in trouble, wears leather, and somethings even part of a gang. Oh and let's make him where he looks like a model, and everyone wants to sleep with him (excluding the main character). And yet, the Main Character always falls for him, because of some tragic back story. This, in my mind, makes absolutely ZERO sense. I just don't see why anyone would want a guy like that.

Here we have the Main Character-The Goody Two Shoes. She has perfect grades, normally has glasses, loves to read, and is anti-social. So let's just classify her as a nerd because she is smart and has glasses. She usually has never had a boyfriend. Not that there is a problem with this, it's just over used. Way too much. Oh and she is a virgin. Which she is a little embarrassed about. She also hates the popular girl for some reason, and calls her a slut. And she also thinks she isn't pretty, when she is. Let's also make her have a sad home life, like an abusive parent. Hmmm, why not make her bullied at school? (I see these types of characters to often.)

Main Character is living in her own world. She doesn't really  pay attention to much except for school. She recently has moved to the town, (I feel like calling it Clicheville). On day one at her new school, she bumps into the bad boy, which establishes the beginning of hate. She also makes enemies with the Bad Boy's current girlfriend. She and Bad Boy are forced to work together (most likely for a project). She hates the Bad Boy, yet finds him attractive. Even though he is a huge jerk and is dangerous. After the Bad Boy explains his traumatic past to the main character, she and Bad Boy slowly become friends and eventually kiss, leading to a relationship. (I apologize for the run on sentence there.) TIME SKIP!!!! Due to some event, the characters split up, only to re-unite later. The book usually ends with the characters saying they love each other.

Don't get me wrong, some of these are actually very well done. In fact, a few books in this genre are actually good. (Even though they are clichéd.)

But the main thing that bothers me is the Bad Boy. I just fail to see why a girl wants someone like that. (I know that not all girls want a bad boy, but I am generalizing for ge sake of argument). I suppose it may be because they hope to change him. I really don't know why. Maybe it's because I am not a girl. I just don't see why these characters ALWAYS fall for the bad boy, and not the nice, reliable guy. The idea of a bad boy may seem exciting at first, but what's going to happen in the future. Sure, he might have "changed" but what happens when he goes back to his old ways?

Also, for some reason, in this genre, the main character always seems kind of shallow. (more on this later).

Don't be afraid to be original. Don't go with this theme. It's been written so many times, it all the same book.

And if you feel the need to write a bad boy story don't name it something stupid. None of this The Bad Boy's Good Girl stuff.

Here is a little tidbit of knowledge: whenever I read the description of the story, if it says the words bad boy, good girl, or player, I don't read it. It is all the same story anyways. Why bother with reading one? You could instead be reading a much better book.

Moving on

One time I was reading a book series that had this cliche. Honestly, the series was so-so. The action was kind of boring, and the romance was cliched. But then I noticed the author had another series, which was written after this series was completed. And of course the love interest was a "bad boy". It's one thing to add to the cliche, but it's another when you USE THE SAME EXACT PERSONALITY IN ANOTHER ONE OF YOUR SERIES!!!!!! Some authors really lack originality! Sure, he might look slightly different. But to have the same personality!? It was very similar, if not exactly the same! This is when I get really ticked off! When an author changes the name and appearance of the character, it comes across as lazy. It makes it seem like a cash grab.

Author: "Well since my last series was such a big hit, why not re-use the love interest? But I should probably change his name and hair/eye color. I can keep the personality. After all, everyone loved him in the last series. Instant success!"

No. Just no.
The saying reduce, reuse, recycle doesn't apply. (But we do need to reduce the amount of bad boy stories). Don't re-use or recycle the plot or characters. Changing the name and hairstyle isn't coming up with a new story.

And then they mix the bad boy with the popular boy....NO! The bad boy implies that they are a mysterious loner who breaks the rules. If you are popular, you aren't a true bad boy. You would be some off brand version of it. You would be an imitation. Face it, you are like Pepsi. (Because Pepsi is the imitation of Coca Cola...(sorry if you like Pepsi, but you are missing out. (: ) I will let myself out now....)

So for the love of humanity, be original. If you have just started writing, don't use this cliche because you want people to read it. Because I will tell you, I will not read it, and probably neither will the other people who are sick of this theme.


I have everything mapped out for this rant book (topics saved as drafts) but I might do them in a different order. I kind of write these when I am irritated (instead of texting my friends these rants, like I would normally do.)

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