11 More Things that Bother Me

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1) Run on sentences

2) Lying- just tell me the truth. If you are my friend, I hope that you are honest with me. It hurts when you find out someone has lied to you about something major.

3) CROWDED/CRAMPED SPACES- I am claustrophobic, so.....yeah.

4) Weightless feeling you get when you ride a roller coaster that plunges straight down. Yet it's fun. But it still bother me.

5) Kiss Ups/ Prisses

6)  Slow Internet Connection- I have little patience.

7)When the desks aren't perfectly lined up- In 7th grade, I would fix the desks in the entire classroom because it bothered me if I didn't.

8) When you forget something that you were going to say- This just happened now. I had a great thing for this list, but I cannot remember what.

9) Group projects- I always would get stuck doing all the work.

10) When a weird catchy song gets stuck in your head. (Ahem... Bizzardvark...thanks younger sibling for getting that in my head on loop)

11) Know it Alls- Okay, we get it. You know the concept. Don't be a goody goody and throw your hand up in the air so hard that your shoulder is going to dislocate.


12) When people say that a goody two shoes is the same as a rule follower. They are different. Rule followers like rules and follow them. Sure, they might bend them from time to time, but never truly break them. Goody Two Shoes are the Know It All people combined with a Tattle-Tale (yes I just used that word) and a Rule Follower. Goody Two Shoes types are the kind of people who always follow the rules no matter what, to the point where they are annoying about it, and tell on other people. It's okay to be a Rule Follower. It's the Goody Two Shoes that everyone is annoyed at, or in extreme cases, extremely dislikes.


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