that voice

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i was sitting in the hospital bed and the doctors both gave each other a grim look and then went outside in the hall.
i immediately took out my earbuds to hear their conversation.

"she is going to be cleared any day now. what are we going to do about her family situation?" a lady said.

"does she have any close friends?" a man said.

"ha." i gave a sad laugh "of course not, no one likes me."

"no. nothing. i asked her and she just started laughing. maybe you should check her mental state too, just in case." she said.

"maybe foster care?" the man suggested.

"hmm im not sure about that. i think she is too old to get adopted from a family, don't you think?" the lady said.

"yeah you're right, that could be our last resort. so what are we going to tell her?" the man asked.

"nothing right now, let's just wait and see what happens." the lady replied.

they were about to walk back into my room but then i heard them let go of the handle and loud footsteps approach.

"i can take her, we can take her!" it was a boy's voice and he sounded out of breath.

i knew that voice all too well. it belonged to the boy that i cried over at 2 am, the one i missed so badly but wouldn't admit, and the boy who broke me until i was impossible to put back together.

it was him.

Oh god.


AN: hey guys its me again! So I entered the hippie teen contest for this story for the emotional rollercoaster award! It would mean a lot if you could give me a vote by pming my story info to TheHippieTeens so I could win. Comment here when your done and I will spam one of your stories with votes and comments!

Here is what you pm to TheHippieTeens to give me a vote!:

Category #1: (emotional rollercoaster) her, tomagotchi2


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