final goodbye

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his pov

the last time i saw you in person was when i saw you walk out of the hospital a couple of months ago. my mom didn't give me any explanation so i screamed as loud as my lungs could take, hoping you would be able to hear and come back.

but you didn't. and you never did.

i tried calling you so many times and texting you. i laid awake every night wondering what i did wrong.

but you never answered.

what was the point then? why would you spend all this time with me and pretend to care just so you could leave?

you were the only reason i wanted to become a better person.

i know i am damaged and complicated but you helped convince me i could change.

so i guess this is my final goodbye to you and i doubt you'll even respond.

i love you and always will.

Sent 4:00 AM

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