young love

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i came to visit you the next day and i could see through the window that your mom was sitting next to you. i started running towards the door when i heard talking because there wasn't anyone else in the room.

when i sprinted through the door your mom was laughing at something you said, while wiping a tear from her eye.

you looked up at me first and you gave me a big smile. shivers went down my spine as i looked back at you with tears streaming down my cheeks and a huge smile on my lips.

"come here." you grinned and then grimaced in pain trying to sit up.

i carefully walked around all of the wires attached to you and gently hugged you.
"i thought you were going to die." i croaked barely being able to get out the words.

"i deserve it." you gave an amused smile, "you're an angel and im just an anchor that's trying to bring you down to hell with me because i am a greedy asshole. i want you so bad that it's hurting you." you frowned.

"if you would've died i would have become an angel." i pecked you on the forehead softly.

your mom looked between the two of us and gave a small smile.

young love  she murmured as she left the room.

i looked back at you as you stared at me. we both looked broken. you had cuts and bruises all over you while i was just a pile of bones with a permanent frown.

even though you hurt me, you're the best shot i have at happiness.

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