Getting Fired

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The alarm screeches in her ear, making her slam the 'snooze' button on it, closing her eyes again to catch ten more minutes of z's. Then her eyes shot open wide, she sits up in her bed quickly, looking at her clock reading '9:45'. She turns her alarm off, running around her room frantically trying to get ready for work, muttering 'shit' repeatedly as she does so. Once she is ready enough, she jumps in her car and speeds down the highway towards her work, only to be stuck in a traffic jam due to a nasty car accident. As the cars move very slowly in a single-file line, she repeatedly checks her watch, seeing how late she will be. Once she got away from the traffic jam, she tries to drive quickly without getting pulled over to work so she doesnt get fired.

She drove into the parking garage and found an empty parking spot, far from the entrance. She gets her purse and jogs to the entrance, still checking her watch, even though she is already late. She walks in and sees the receptionist. "Hi im so sorry im late... Is the boss looking for me?" Anna says to the receptionist, out of breath from rushing in.

"Be careful... He is furious today and i dont see his coffee with you." Annas eyes widen as she realizes she totally forgot to get the coffees. She face palms while groaning, quietly thanking the receptionist and heading to her bosses office, preparing for his wrath. She walks into his office with a sheepish smile, hoping his mood got a little better.

"Sit down. We need to discuss some things Miss Kent..." He says in a bitter voice, pointing to one of two leather seats sitting in front of him. Anna slowly walks over to one, acting as if she makes any sudden movements he will bite her head off. She sits down at the edge of the chair, not getting comfortable at all for this conversation. "As you may or may not know... You are late, again. Plus, you forgot my coffee which is the only thing i need right now!" He spits, slamming his fist on his desk, making Anna jump a little. "I cant have this keep happening-" Anna cuts him off.

"I swear it will never happen again!" She says, which only makes his fury rise.

"You said that last time you were late! Miss Kent, i regret to inform you that you are fired... Collect your things and leave my sight..." He says, his voice calmer at the end. Anna just nods sadly and walks out without another word. She wanted to cry. She has no job, which means no money, which means no food, which also means no house. She is screwed.

Meanwhile, at a popular bar in the city, Nathan sits at a bar stool, flirting with the pretty blonde next to him. He had one shoot today that had already ended so he decided to celebrate. Sitting next to him on the counter are three empty shot glasses. He isnt drunk, but tipsy. "So... What do you do for a living gorgeous?" Nathan asks the blonde whose name he had already forgotten.

"Im trying to become a singer..." She slurs a little, giggling after her response. She, unlike Nathan, is waaaaay past tipsy.

"Well... Maybe you can sing for me sometime. Id like to hear how amazing your voice sounds..." He says, which makes her blush and have a giggle fit. Before she could continue their conversation, a group of other good looking drunk girls pulled her away. Nathan got a little upset but shrugged it off, knowing he will find another girl within fifteen minutes. "Hey Mark, i need a beer." He says to the bartender, whose known him for years now since Nathan is a regular. Mark gave him a Heineken, which Nathan started drinking right away. The bar door opens to reveal a distressed woman, who has light brown hair with dark brown eyes. She trudges over to the bar near where Nathan is seated and asks for a drink. Nathan looks at her for a minute, taking in her amazing features. He wanted to flirt, but for some reason he thought he shouldnt, which was very unlike him. She turned to him after downing a shot, raising an eyebrow since he was still looking at her.

"Can i help you, sir?" She asks with a little bit of attitude. But she admits that he is very good looking. Nathan snaps out of it at the sound of her voice.

"Uh... Sorry im just wondering why you look stressed?" Nathan says, trying not to sound like an asshole.

"Oh i dont want to bore you with it..." She says, taking a sip of her whiskey that she also ordered. Nathan sits up, leaning a little closer to her.

"Hey, im all ears if you want to talk about it... A beautiful lady like you shouldnt be stressed..." Nathan says smoothly, but with concern in his voice. For once his thoughts arent leading anywhere to dirty thoughts with her. There is something different about this girl that he just cant point out.

"Well... I got fired. Now i have to find another job ASAP so im not kicked onto the streets... I was late three times the whole time i worked there, and i have worked there for five years..." She explains. Nathan listens carefully, then an idea pops into his head.

"I could get you a job..." She turns to him, her eyebrows furrowed.

"What?" She asks.

"I said... I could get you a job. What were you a receptionist or secretary or something like that?" Nathan asks.

"A secretary... How did you guess?" She asked.

"Well you look very professional. My brother is CEO of Audi, and he is in need of a secretary, actually." Nathan says, hoping she will accept his offer. He just hopes he can convince his brother.

"Really?" Annas eyes light up. Nathan smiles and nods. "I would really appreciate that, thank you so much! Wait, i never got your name?" Nathan sticks out a hand for her to shake.

"Nathan Downey." He says. Anna shakes his hand, smiling.

"Anna Kent. Nice to meet you Nathan..." She says, she then sits on the stool next to him, and they make small talk for another hour. During that hour, they exchanged numbers so he could let her know about the job. They both parted ways and Instead of heading home, Nathan decided to see his brother while he had to talk to him anyways. He parks his car in the driveway of the big house, and walks up to the door, ringing the doorbell. He hears footsteps until the door opens to reveal his older brother, still in a suit from work.

"Nathan? What a pleasant surprise, come in!" Robert exclaims, surprised to see his younger brother visiting him out of the blue. Nathan walks in and they sit in Roberts living room. "So... What did you come here for?" Robert asks.

"Well... I met a girl today and-" Robert interrupts his younger brother.

"Did you sleep with a married woman, Nathan!?" Robert asks, having a horrified expression.

"What? No! Dont jump to conclusions please!" Nathan defends, Robert nods and lets his brother continue. "As i was saying... I met this girl at the bar and she was stressed. She just got fired from her job and so i kinda... Offeredherajobworkingforyou..." Nathan says really fast at the end, afraid his brother will disagree.

"Nice try but you know i can understand when you talk really fast... And why would you offer some stranger a job?" Robert asks.

"Because there is something about this girl... I dont see her as a fling, i see her as something special and i really like her. Plus i know you need a secretary at the moment anyways... What harm will it do?" Nathan explains, which shocks his brother.

"I guess this girl is special... The best i can do for you is an interview... I cant guarantee she will get the job, though..." Robert explains. Nathan jumps up from his brothers couch, hugging Robert tightly. "This is new..." Robert mumbles, hugging his brother back.

"Like i said... I really like this girl. She could be just what i need."

"Well i hope so. Did you have dinner yet? My maid cooked baked ziti." Robert offered.

"No i dont want to intrude on your dinner..."

"Nathan, its only me.... I could use the company for once." Nathan thought about it for a second, then finally deciding to join his brother for dinner.


So here is the first chapter! Kind of boring but it will get interesting either next chapter or the one after... Tell me how you like it so far, thanks guys!

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