It's been a couple day since Anna and Robert had that conversation. Work was mainly normal, besides Robert occasionally staring at Anna. Nathan and Anna haven't really spoken since that night he left with Nicole, until yesterday when he texted her asking if they could talk.Anna was home, making herself a sandwich when she heard a knock on the door. She opened it and Nathan stepped in. "Hey." He simply said.
"Hi..." She said, grabbing her plate and sitting on the couch.
"How have you been?" Nathan asks and Anna shrugs.
"Oh just great! My boyfriend hasn't been speaking to me for days and he left me at a restaurant with my boss, and got into my best friends car!" Anna exclaimed with sarcasm.
"Listen! I know I overreacted, that's why I'm here to talk about it, okay?"
"Well, honestly I don't know what there is to talk about, we were both there and it happened. What more is there to say?"
"I'm sorry I left like that, I was angry... I have never been in a real relationship before, you know that. I don't know how to handle things... Sometimes I can be a little insensitive..."
"Why did you get so angry?"
"You were flirting with my brother! Plus he is your boss! I don't want my girlfriend flirting with other men, just like you wouldn't want me flirting with other women..." Anna was looking down. "What?"
"You know it didn't feel so good to me when you and Nicole were having so much fun together... I was just talking to Robert since you were giving her all of your attention..." Nathan was taken aback by her statement.
"You think I was flirting with your best friend?!"
"I never said flirting, I said you were giving her all of your attention. I'm not usually one for constant attention but we were on a date Nathan!" Nathan takes both of Anna's hands in his.
"Babe, I'm sorry that I didn't pay much attention to you... Maybe the double date thing was just a disaster waiting to happen..." Anna couldn't resist his sweet tone and puppy eyes.
"Oh... I'm sorry too. I shouldn't tell other men compliments like that..." They both give each other a small smile. Nathan's phone suddenly rings.
"Uh, sorry I have to take this..." He says before getting up and walking into a different room for a couple minutes, which makes Anna suspicious. He comes back in the room. "I'm sorry, I have to attend a meeting with an important photographer..." A wave of disappointment hits Anna.
"Oh... Alright then. Before you go can I ask you a hypothetical question?" Nathan stands close to the door, looking at Anna.
"Of course, go for it, babe."
"What would you do if I... Decided to leave you for some reason?" Nathan gets confused, and a little scared for a second.
"Y-you're not breaking up with me, a-are you?" Nathan asks.
"No! I said it hypothetically. I just want to know your answer..." Nathan sighs of relief.
"Well, if one day you decided to leave me, I would be devastated for a very long time... But I would absolutely respect your decision eventually, I wouldn't want to intrude on a decision you make..." Nathan explains, which disappoints Anna slightly.
"Thank you, Nathan. Have fun in your meeting." Nathan gives Anna a quick kiss.
"Thanks, babe. See you soon!" He says before leaving. Anna sighs, looking out her window to see Nathan pulling out of her driveway.
Anna eats her sandwich while watching Grey's Anatomy, before she decides to call Robert.
"Anna?" Robert asks surprised on the other side of the call.
"Can we talk?"
"Uh.. Y-yeah sure! I will be there in about ten minutes..." He says before they end the call. Robert was not expecting her to call him out of the blue, and he was a little scared about what she had to talk about.
He arrived at her house, she opened the door and they both sat on her couch. "So... What did you need to talk about?" He asks, twiddling his thumbs nervously.
"About our conversation the other day..."
"Uh oh." He says and Anna chuckles a little.
"You are seriously already saying 'Uh oh'?"
"I feel as though this isn't going to end well on my part..."
"Okay, new rule. You shut up until I'm done speaking, okay?" Robert reluctantly nods and Anna sighs. "Thank you. Now, Nathan and I talked just a little while ago for the first time since that night. We apologized and everything seems to be back to normal again-"
"Oh shit..."
"What did I just say about not saying anything until I'm done!?"
"Sorry... Continue."
"Anyways, there was a weird moment, he got a phone call from someone, but he answered it in a different room... Like I wasn't supposed to hear it. He was apparently rushed to a meeting with an important photographer, so he had to leave. Before he left, I asked him a question, and that question was supposed to make or break our relationship..." She pauses for a second as Robert listens intently. "I asked him what he would do if I left him one day. He said he would be devastated for awhile, but eventually respect my decision..." She concludes, Robert stays quiet. "You can speak now."
"So did that make or break your relationship?"
"Even though it sounds like a very sweet thing he would do, it's not what I'm looking for..." Robert perks up, his heart beating faster. He leans closer to her.
"What are you looking for then?" Robert asks, staring intensely in her eyes.
"I'm looking for someone who would never be okay with me leaving them, I want them to love me so much that no matter what, they will always try to get me back. And if there was a guy like that, I would honestly never leave him, because that's my definition of true love..." Anna explains, smiling as Robert starts to grin.
"So... What you're saying is..."
"Robert, I'm willing to try this out."
So I got tagged by @DowneysDuck and I already have a tag sort of thing, so if you check out my older story Overpopulation you can get to know me a little bit. You can also see on there that I have another Wattpad account and I did my most recent tag on there. Anyways, so I am sure a lot of you called that one! I wanted to leave it on a cliffhanger, so you will all have to wait to see Robert's reaction. I hope you liked this chapter, thanks guys!

The Downey Brothers
ФанфикArtist of the art on the cover is unknown. A story about brothers Robert Downey Jr and Nathan Downey. They are so different but seem to take interest in the same girl...