Robert rubs Anna's stomach lovingly, Anna giggling. "You know I'm not even showing yet, right?"
"I know, but I'm still showing the baby my love..."
"I'll have to take maternity leave for work...." Robert stops rubbing.
"But I don't wanna be alone in my office without my beautiful assistant..." Robert pouts.
"I'm sorry, but I will have to..."
"No, the baby can stay in my office with us all day. I can set up a crib, a diaper changing station, the whole nine yards!" Robert exclaims and Anna giggles.
"Robert, we are not putting our baby in the office all day..."
"I don't see the problem with it, though."
"Clients are always coming and going, lots of them will not approve of a baby in the room all the time."
"Who gives a shit what they approve of? It's our child and that is my office I can have whatever and whoever in there."
"Maybe Nathan would be willing to help?" Anna suggests and Roberts eyes widen.
"You want my brother to help?! The one who loves you and you left him for me?"
"Robert, this is almost a year away, I think he will have forgiven by then..." Robert shrugs.
"We will see, then..."
"Are you super busy?" Anna asks Robert, him sitting at his desk typing away on his computer.
"Sadly, I am very busy... Why?" He turns to look at her.
"I'm going on my lunch break and was just wondering if you wanted to come?" Robert sighs and stands up, walking towards her.
"Honey, I would absolutely love to, except I can't, if this propaganda idea isn't written and pitched by the end of the day, I'll be toast..." He takes her hands into his.
"It's okay, I will just go to Rooster's and get something to go, I will bring you something as well. I don't want you to starve trying to get something done..." Robert smiles and kisses her.
"Thank you, sweetie." He says, walking back to his desk as Anna gets her purse.
"I'll be back."
"Okay, love you." Robert replies.
"Love you." She says before leaving onto the elevator.
Anna arrives at Rooster's and walks up to the counter, ready to order. "Hello, can I just get two bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich's?" She asks the employee.
"Sure, $15.39 please." She gives the teenage girl the money and wait for the food to be ready. While waiting, she hears someone come through the door, and suddenly Anna recognizes who it is and just wants to crawl into a hole forever.
"A short stack of blueberry pancakes, please." The woman asks, Anna trying to cover her face to not be recognized. "Anna?" The woman asks, softly touching Anna's shoulder.
"Oh, hey Nicole..." Anna says in a melancholic tone. Nicole furrows her brows, then has a moment of realization.
"You found out, didn't you?" Nicole asks.
"Yeah... I'm surprised Nathan didn't already tell you.."
"Hey, it was just that one time, and I feel terrible... I hope I didn't ruin your relationship with him..." Anna gets sad at that statement. "I did, didn't I?"
"Technically, no... I ruined it myself..." Nicole's brows furrow. "I was going to break up with him anyways, but he thought I was breaking up because of you..."
"Oh..." They stood in silence for a moment, until Anna's order was called.
"Well, that's me so, I guess I'll see you..." Anna says, grabbing her food and leaving Rooster's.
"You will never guess who I ran into at Rooster's..." Anna says.
"Who? Dwayne Johnson?" Robert jokes.
"Noooo, I saw Nicole and had a very awkward conversation."
"Oh god... Well at least you didn't break out into a fight?"
"No, we wouldn't do that..."
"So does she know that you know about that night?"
"Yeah... I can't look at her the same anymore, even though I was going to end things with him anyways..."
"If Judsie did that to me, I would feel the same way."
"He won't, because I am carrying your child." Robert fake gasps.
"It's not because you love me and not him?" He pouts.
"That too." He smiles and they both go back to work.
"Speaking of Judsie, would you like to meet him?"
"Of course I would! I mean, we kind of sinned his cabin..." Robert laughs.
"That we did."
Kinda short and boring and I'm sorry... But, Judsie will be in the next chapter, yay!!!! Also, I am thinking of ending this story in about five or so chapters and then I can start a brand new one for you guys! I hope you liked this, next chapter up soon, thanks guys!

The Downey Brothers
FanfictionArtist of the art on the cover is unknown. A story about brothers Robert Downey Jr and Nathan Downey. They are so different but seem to take interest in the same girl...