Secret Relationship

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Anna and Robert left the lodge the next day. Both are back to work, and Anna is anxious to see how it will go after that night.

"Good morning, Anna. That trip must've gotten Downey laid 'cause he is all smiley today..." Mason says to Anna as she walks in.

"Oh my god, Mason you need to get a life!" Anna says jokingly whilst laughing. 

"Wait, you were there, is it true?" He asks as she starts to walk away.

"No, Mason, he is just happy." Anna lied, before the elevator doors shut. She makes it up to the top floor, surprisingly not seeing Robert at his desk. She shrugs and places his coffee on his desk, once she turns to go to her own desk, she sees Robert was behind her and screams for a split second until his lips end up on hers. He holds her waist as he kisses more passionately, but Anna breaks it off.

"What's wrong?" Robert asks, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Robert, we are at work, nobody is supposed to know that we are together..." Anna reminds and Robert smirks.

"Yeah, but we have this whole floor to ourselves, nobody ever comes up here unless it's a scheduled appointment." Robert says, going to kiss her again, but she puts her hand on his chest, stopping him.

"How about we act like a couple tonight at the movie theater... Do you like scary movies?" Anna smirks.

"Love them, but I want to act like a couple all the time..." He complains.

"Give me a week." Anna simply states.

"What?" Robert asks, confused.

"Give me a week to break things off with Nathan, then we can act like a couple..." Anna explains further, surprising Robert.

"Really?!" He smiles.

"Yes, really. For a while though, I want to keep it somewhat discreet because Nathan is still a nice guy and I'm leaving him for his brother which isn't really fair to him..." 

"I'm okay with that, especially since I thought you weren't going to break up with him for awhile..." Robert smiles. 

"I don't want to string him on, he's a good guy, just not the guy for me I guess..." Anna shrugs. Robert gives her a quick kiss before releasing her from his hold. 

"I won't make out with you at work, but you bet your ass I'm going to at least give you chaste kisses." Robert smirks, sitting down at his desk and getting his laptop out. 

"That, I can deal with..." Anna grins, picking up the small stack of papers from her desk and making her way to the elevator. "I'm going to go make some copies, Mr. Downey." Anna winks, stepping on the elevator. Robert chuckles and shakes his head.

"She will be the death of me..." He mumbles, typing on his laptop.


At the end of the day, Anna drives home, seeing Nathan's car in her driveway. "Fuck." She says. "I'm not prepared to see him yet..." She steps out of her car, putting on a smile as Nathan approaches her.

"Hey, babe!" He says cheerfully, kissing her on the lips. "How was the trip?" He asked as they walk in her house.

"It was good, I learned a little about being a CEO and got to relax a little..." She lied.

"I'm glad to hear you had a good time. I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to dog sit my friend's dog tonight? He is going to his parents because his father is ill and won't be back until tomorrow..." 

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear his father is sick... But I can't tonight, my mom is dying to know how my new job is going and she wanted to talk over dinner, I'm sorry..." Anna lies. Nathan's smile drops but hugs Anna.

"It's okay, babe. I'll just warn you now, I will be sending you pics of me and the dog and we will both be looking sad..." Nathan pretends to pout. 

"I'm sure you will be adorable, but I won't be seeing them until later." Anna checks the time. "Well, I should be getting ready soon..." 

"Alright, I'll see you later, baby." Nathan says, kissing Anna before leaving.


Robert and Anna are in line for the movie 'A Quiet Place'. "Do you get scared?" Robert asks.

"Sometimes, it's usually if the movie has a lot of jump scares." Anna shrugs.

"I'll be there to hold and protect you..." Robert whispers, kissing her cheek and reaching down to hold her hand.

They choose their seat in the theater, Robert immediately taking Anna's hand back in his and interlacing their fingers. "So Nathan was at my house when I came home..." Anna starts, Robert looks at her.

"Oh yeah? What did he say?" 

"He was wondering how my trip was, and he invited me to dog sit with him tonight..." Robert couldn't help his smile.

"And you chose to be with me instead?" He asked. 

"Yes, I was the one who planned this, plus I feel like I would be stringing him on if i went with him. If he asks, I'm at dinner with my mother right now."

"Well I feel honored." Robert grins.

"He said he was gonna send sad pictures of him and the dog to me."

"Of course, he is still goofy Nathan." The movie starts and they both quiet down. 


The movie ends and the couple walks out. "That sucked, I wasn't even scared..." Anna says, disappointed. 

"Yeah, I didn't have an excuse to hold you..." Robert says making Anna laugh.

"I'm sorry I dragged you to a shitty movie..." Anna apologizes.

"Don't apologize, I got to spend time with you, I could never ask for better." Robert smiles.

"You are so sweet..." She kisses him, then her phone beeps. 

"Who's that?" Robert asks.

"It's Nathan, sending the sad pictures. I will see you tomorrow morning?" 

"Tomorrow morning, can't wait." Robert smiles, kissing Anna one more time that night. "Goodnight, baby." 


Anna drives home and gets in her pajamas, crawling into bed and looking through the pictures Nathan sent before going to sleep for the night.



Kinda short but hopefully not boring. Will Anna actually break things off with Nathan when he is just so adorable? Will Anna and Robert be able to keep their relationship a secret? Next chapter up soon and thanks guys!

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