-moving -

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" Connor O'Reilly, " my mother said in a strong voice.

Yep, I'm the family screw up my uncle Sam even said so the jerk him and his daughter Kim.

dad always despised his older brother although mine annoyed me I don't hate him I looked back at my mother she only used my full name when worried maybe it was because when I was seven I was diagnosed with a rare disease that doctors haven't seen yet so she always worries about me which is a little annoying but dad just said if I'm not dead yet I'm unlikely to die mom always scolded dad for saying that .

So I am mad at my mom because we're moving to utopia yeah it's a city with no villain activity except for criminals because there are so many heroes they're anyway were moving because dad's new job was moved there I had little friends now I won't have any. Brother, of course, is a big talker and has millions of friends by lunchtime " what mom " I said sighing  my dad turned and glared at me I glared back it's his fault we're moving my mom gripped the steering wheel  " Connor I was just wanted to wake you were here " she said and her eyes were back on the road I hadn't even noticed we were here I looked out the window .

And my jaw dropped there were a million of skyscrapers meet the sky and hugging it some were weird shapes the light reflected off them making them giant mirrors one building was shiny and red it was hero utopia were superheroes go to train I read it in the Manuel the only thing I can remember from it exactly . " stop staring awestruck you look like your having a seizure " my brother stated I rolled my eyes giving him a look mom's car sped though the busy streets I haven't seen a super yet but I want to . Because I remember when me and my brother were young we made up our own names I was the crimson tide and my brother was the super baller.

My mom stopped at a hotel we didn't have a house in this city just a huge condo dad assured us that everyone had one in this city " remember kids your school is utopian sword " mom said and she and dad got out the car.

Once we were inside with are stuff me and brother raced to see the bedrooms for us there was one with an overlook of the city brother shook his head " light wakes me up "he said  and he went away I put my stuff down on the bed we had to sell are old ones the bed was bland with brown sheets the room was bland itsIf except for the overview which was nice the room had a lonely little nightstand by the bed we had to sell our living room furniture too I hope it's not as bland I started to unpack .

My pictures were first and then my old bed stuff I had the pictures on the nightstand and then I unpacked my posters of my favorite band and of course my guitar my grandparents gave me which was the only thing I was good at then I guess I was done. I heard arguing in the living room so I walked in brother was Huffing at mom " fine you want to explore take your brother and go get groceries " said my mom my brother smiled in achievement and he pushed me out the condo into the lavish hallway.

" what was all that about " I said to my brother who was about to walk off he slapped a white band on my wrist I looked at it funny " I'm going to a party you apparently have to dress up as a super to go happy late birthday " my brother said I looked at him dumbfounded I was not in a superhero suit neither was he but he was wearing a band to .  And he didn't even get me anything for my birthday last year  " it's just a stupid band " I say my brother frowned and tapped the band twice it lit up then something like skin crawled up my body it was crimson colored and stopped at my face when a small mask that covered half of my face except my hair and mouth I looked down at myself in awe I looked like a real super then I saw a fancy t on my chest . He had made me the crimson tide I looked up at him he smiled " you don't have to thank me I know I'm good " my brother said

I tapped the band twice and it disappeared but I felt weird after I knew my brother got these from the super store they had tons of cool stuff like this once we stepped outside it was cool the city was just reaching nighttime hours and it looked lit up once we neared the party I didn't feel to hot I dismissed it though I wasn't missing the party but a small store was by it the store appeared to have food " brother I'm sorry but we need groceries mind if you miss the party "my brother said he didn't buy me the bracelet because he wanted to it was because he was guilty anger flashed in my eyes that were a stormy blue " sure " I said someone had to get it " if you need me the party is right next to the store " said my brother then he disappeared .

A sicknesses washing over me I didn't feel good was I dying no it's just a cold I remind myself and walk into the store an old man was in there fear in his face my mood dropped I had just walked in on a robbery.

The robber in all black turned around with his gun in my face he had a bad of money six piles high I could see his hardened eyes this guy has experience I ducked and clicked my bracelet twice the suit covered me the robber came in the chip section and when he saw my suit he glared then my head shot with pain he was about to fire at me he still had the money the old man stared in fear suddenly I looked at man do the chicken dance I willed he dropped the bag and started to dance I looked at him in awe I did that I looked at the bag of money maybe I could bribe my way into the party I grabbed it and ran out ignoring the old man's pleas .

I was still amazed at what I did. Did I do that I came up with my money to the two guards " can I get in " I said ignoring the blaring alarms from the store I pulled the money in their faces one took
My money " go home kid " he said I was shocked so I looked at both of them go away I willed and they miraculously they did and I went inside the store sad I just lost stolen money maybe I didn't need it

Inside was a buzz hundreds of kids in flashy superheroes costumes dancing swaying and jumping the smell of booze and wine filled the air it wasn't hard to find my brother in his super baller suit I was still in mine I couldn't believe I had powers did I mean those guards don't just walk away  right I had mind control powers I'm sure of it my brother was on the stage drunkenly singing people stared at me who was this young kid I walked up to my brother " let's go home" I say he smiled " why the party just started " I tapped my foot mad we were leaving now

" come on, "  I said angrily and a tad bit loud the lights flickered my brother glared at me until something cold and wet fell from my nose blood.

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