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When I finally wake up all I see is a really bright light  " Is this heaven " I say I hear someone laugh " I wish it was " says a voice I move my arms and leg my head hurts like crazy but besides that I don't feel that bad  I sit up and surroundings are clearer I'm in a hospital no a lab this was the lab but maybe a different part the room looked very unfamiliar sitting in a chair I see uncle Sam he doesn't look happy  " you know I expected to see at least one happy face " I say looking over at him for a reaction he shrugged  " what happened " I say he sits up " well we finally got the scientist he's in the cell "  I interrupt  " oooh is that a super secret place villains go " I say he frowned at me " as I was saying what you did was very stupid almost killed yourself  you passed out from your injuries "  Sam said

I scratch my head " I thought it was a good idea " I say then with more confidence "I saved your buts after all " I say  Sam looked over to the side he doesn't like that  " but the hero council thought that was very heroic so they decided to let you join " he finished I smiled  " that must've been hard for you " I say smiling ear to ear he frowned once more  " I'm leaving " he says a million thoughts rushed through my head   " oh and almost everyone wants to see you " he says leaving me alone  I smiled to myself I've come along way but today I'm a hero I think as I lay back down

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2017 ⏰

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