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Despite going to bed early I still wasn't ready for this day I didn't get any sleep thinking about the fight of our lives it's a daunting fact and I didn't get a wink of sleep with it rolling around in my head I mean how do fights like this happen do they just start or maybe the hero's and the villains agree to a friendly match far away from civilians . Yeah right if it was at this building again I don't think the building can take another fight or explosion I sit up rubbing my tired eyes the only thing I hear is the blaring tv now I groaned really Braxton I get up and walk out the room

The first thing I hear is a news reporter screaming  " over here at Newport park is a huge fight from heroes and villains the villains started to hurt normal people at the park good we got hero's to protect us " says the reporter on screen I see a bunch of hero's fighting villains I take note that the house is empty I overslept great not only am I late I turning out to be a sucky  hero   " why didn't anyone wake me up " I say angrily Braxtons eyes are glued to the tv

" Connor the hero's are losing " Braxton says worried my mind goes crazy " what do you mean " I say worried  "  they've turned the devices around it only works on hero's now somehow they got their hands on one " Braxton says that means everyone I care about is about to die this was not good not good at all I know I'm both maybe just maybe it'll have the same effect but I'll need some  help " Braxton I just might need your help I say .

Braxton is a very good reckless driver and we get at the park at half the time we also had time to get Ian who had a very tactical head  " and why did you bring me " Ian says not yet getting the point  I smiled back at him " just trust me " I say I had already spilled the beans on all of the events catching him up to speed he was right of course why would I bring a liability like him one shot from the gun and he's out  . But on the other hand he's the only one who can take the guns away and I only have to stall them  for an hour before all the others have their powers back

It was a very risky plan the park looms ahead bodies strewn every where when I see them I wince and try to remember the plan I tell Braxton to park a mile away and me and Ian walk the rest of the way everything is resting on this plan  " you already know what to do right " I say Ian nodded and I realized that he has a bracelet the easiest way to get a super suit I wonder what his looked like we tapped our bracelets at the same  Ian's suit was a dark blue with purple goggles but I don't have time to memorize details not at a time like this body's are everywhere but not a single hero is left standing

Five villains are still standing each one has a gun except for the scientist he doesn't even bother to wear a suit gosh I hope I can stall for an hour I probably be dead within the first five seconds one against five doesn't look like such great odds I spot Alexandra's crazy suit she was lying in the mulch of by the swings I breath this was for her I thought I shoot Ian a look he nodded first I'll distract them I walk into the park  to face the villains  " hey guys nice time for a walk in the park " I say they stand there passive the scientist laughed  " ah yes the hero's were a walk in the park  " he said I grin  " I won't " I say he glared  " if we must I quite liked you bandit " said the scientist  I smiled  " likewise " I say .

And each one of his goons turn and fire my knees feel like jelly I felt very weak I waver the villains laughed and expect me to go down like the rest the scientist watches in anticipation but I feel the power turn back on this was my chance I close my eyes as if I'm feeling sick but actually I'm charging my lasers in my eyes then I opened them and let it out in a flash the whole park landscape is changed I teleport behind them and fire again they fall down like dominoes some get out of the way but two take the force full on . That's when Ian stepped in once they were distracted its not surprising they loosen their grip trying to run or teleport away Ian now holds all the guns safely  I tell " go Ian " I say he runs off back to his hiding spot we knew the guns once dropped exploded so for the time being he can't help unless he find a safe place the drop them

No time to stall the scientist isn't even breathing hard he signaled his men to stop " this one is mine boys " he says squaring around me as if taking me in he smiled  " i know all your strengths and weaknesses give up now " he says I shake my head " sorry"  I say knowing that I'm not nearly enough trained for this guy he's Sam and dad level he smiled  " that's why I made this one for you  " he said pulling out a gun that was strapped to his thigh the whole time I gulp maybe I should have studied the little details  " you have interfered for the last time " he says I try to avoid it but fear has glued me to the grass all the hero's strength is coming back little by little my mom my dad Sam and Alexandra so is the others from the council they have a front row seat to my demise .

He takes a shot while talking " I knew that the villain guns wouldn't work but I thought it wouldn't have to come to this "he says the shock waves hit me I fall on my knees what was that all my strength is slowly ebbing away  " a hero and villain gun seems to work " he says smiling I couldn't move from my spot on my knees my hands grasped at the grass the scientist smiled then kicked me hard in the chest I go flying through the air and hit a  tree  the air is knocked out of me I fall in the grass face down my body felt like crap

I try to move my body but can only manage to sit up a cough up blood before falling down again he's walking towards me again this was it I think  but the unexpected happens the scientist is the one flailing in the air he hits the ground pretty hard I look up that one movement sending shockwaves of pulsating pain throughout my entire body in the sky was Ian he lands on the grass safely he stopped in front of me and pats my shoulder rest easy friend he say the other hero's get up I looked over in Alex's direction I'm getting dizzy  " without your plan they'd all be dead " Ian says I see the scientist get up by help from his minions then I blackout .

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