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The next day I wake up groggy I'm so happy it's the weekend. school passed pretty fast I sit up Braxton is gone for the weekend in fact he left last night he went to his friends house mom and dad our at the table dad's reading a newspaper and mom is sipping oj why do I get the feeling they were waiting for me " Connor get clothes on were going for a drive " she ordered my eyebrows go up  but she glared at me so I go in my room did I mention she's extra scary sometimes I shake my head I don't understand what this drive is for the first time we took a drive was when she explained I have illness I was eleven then .

I suppose this might be pretty bad then like her finding out I'm a villain bad once I'm fully clothed  I put a jacket on and I walk out the door mom smiled and she walks me down to the car . Once I'm in the car I'm super nervous this isn't going to be good is it mom starts the car I shift nervously in the passenger seat then we take of in the first few minutes she doesn't say anything which in turn makes me more nervous until she finally turned towards me my stomach flipped  " Connor I know you're a villain " she says finally
My mouth opens and closes I don't know what to say what should I say

My mom smiled  " my little son is growing up " she says  my eyes widened  " what why aren't you reporting me or something  " I say  " Connor I knew that villain was you and I can't report you your my son " she says I'm still freaking out this is crazy certainly not normal what parent encourages them to be bad she shakes her head   " I'm sorry I didn't explain did I " she says then she smiled at me she raiser her arms  fire spreads across on arm the other has frost growing on it   I almost back up  "  I'm  hot and cold " she says I searched my mind where have I heard that before then I realized hot and cold is one of the biggest villains in the world she Is really good and has killed a bunch of people to my record my insides twist at the thought of people being killed .

Maybe I'm not cut out for this my face dropped my mom is a murderer I realized were at a red light  " um mom I need time to think this over  " I say she frowned  " of course take your time "she says I nodded and I teleport I don't know where  I looked around I'm on top of a building  I tapped my bracelet heights don't scare me in fact when I was a kid I'd climb trees when I was upset I realized that my teleports must really be connected to my mind I looked at the clouds then at the surrounding buildings I spot our condo building from here I'm in the concrete forest now I think I sit on the edge I close my eyes my mother is a murderer .

I repeat that line in my mind  I loved being a villain honestly but I would never kill someone world domination or otherwise but I wasn't a killer I wasn't going to do something like that ever maybe that means I'm not the best villain I should love torturing and killing but I didn't not really anyway it didn't give me the same rush but if I continue do my path I'll probably do it . I don't notice when something lands by me I look up the sun in my eyes  "  you " I say I see it's Alexandra but she doesn't know that I know that   " it's jigsaw not you " she says I smiled  " it fits " I say she smiled  " why are you up here alone " I she says I frowned  " I found out some bad news " I say she looks down

" I've got something for you " she says I looked up curious  then I grin   " you need a villains touch " I say she smiled   " I need you to help me break something out of the hero building   I smiled   " I'm listening" I say   she inhaled   " I think my dad is up to something so I want to break into his office "  she says leaning towards me I will myself not to go red " ok I'll do it " I say she smiled   " Thank you um..... " she says recognizing I don't have a villain name I sighed " I honestly don't have one " I say she grinned  " oh well I think we've got the time " she says

" I don't like it " I say finally I teleported to the hero building she ran here with her super speed    " but you are a bandit " she says  " yeah well I like stealing " I say crossing my arms she smiled  "  it's perfect for you " she insists  "  bandits steal and typically belong to a gang " she says I frowned  " I'm not in a gang"  I protest   put she shushed me as two heroes come through the door  I sigh and I hold the door open me and Alexandra walked in the building it was massive it even had a directory I read it offices flying room dozens of training room the lab jigsaw pulled me away  " c'mon bandit we don't have time to look around " she says i look anyway the lobby had long red walls the floor was slick and newly shined marble   and in the middle were golden statues of the five main heroes that founded the place .

I always wanted to be a hero as a  child I even had pictures of this place but in person this place is amazing why didn't I become a hero I ask myself the place is built like a school I realize as Alexandra  pulled me to her dad's office it can't be this easy I think " where are all the hero's " I ask  " some big meeting  " she says out of breath from running so hard where in the offices now there are tons of cubicles grey ones like someone left their moving boxes every where  I see all the cubicles have computers and paperwork some had pictures 

Alexandra moves to a small cubicle in the corner her dad must be a neat freak because all of his papers I alphabetized in order and he only has one picture of him in his suit standing of the city I roll my eyes  "  so what are you looking for and why do you need me " I say  " to answer your question I'm looking for this binder he keeps and I need you if we run into any trouble " she says  I nodded looking for binders turns out in his drawer is tons of binders all labeled and in alphabetical order I looked for some clue until I see a k binder in the s section I pull it out  " I think I've got something " I say  she takes it out my hands .

And looked it over her mouth dropped  " it can't be she says " her hand covering her mouth I look at it  scanning over the notes he made.   Day 1:  Today we decided that villains  need to be plagued from this city I'm growing tired of them . Day 12 : we have built a device capable of getting rid of their powers for 1 hour with this we can kill them while there helpless we plan to do this on my daughter's birthday I hope when she gets older she'll thank me .

My eyes widened he plans to kill villains that means he will kill my mom and possibly me I didn't know what to do " some hero " I mutter " theses villains have life's friends family " I shouted   Alexandra is crying " this can't be happening I know there evil that doesn't give them a right to kill them kill you  " she says hugging me im startled at first but then I hug her back  " you barely know me " I say  then I we both turn at someone's voice .

" what in the world is going on here " Alexandra holds me tightly   I'm so dead

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