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I wasn't myself after the drug I found out my body wasn't mine I was moving but I wasn't doing it . It felt watching movie inside my brain I hated it I was in my super suit and was in front of the heroes building but as I said I was just watching what was happening after this my reputation will be ruined I'll never become a hero but I isn't me it's the drug I smiled and moved in I view the golden statues no I want to scream but I didn't control my body I let fire dance across my arms I'm pretty sure I'm about to torch the hero statues and there is nothing I can do about it I'm a villain after all they'll blame me for everything because it's in my nature I smiled but it didn't last long

Because a bunch of hero security guards come down I want to scream run away but of course I couldn't instead I smiled and freeze them all with my right hand I all three of them were ice cubes but this wasn't enough I run up the stairs I can tell im going to the lab that's probably where they keep the devices I smiled but inside I was horrified I wanted to get out of this horrible movie the lab was coming up I walk right in there is nobody in here or so I thought I see the rows of breakers I realized I've never been in here I want to look around but my body has other plans I see three figures in front of a crate filled with guns like the one George had my heart pounded when I see them

Its Sam Alexandra and dad they were guarding the crate no I screamed silently I laughed " are you pitiful people going to stop me " I say laughing comically no no no my heart pounds faster then Alexandra walked up " you to guard the crate I'll take care of him " she says I grinned " oh yeah " I say " Connor I know your drugged and I won't fight you " she says I smile " to bad I don't feel the same " I say but inside I was no mortified as I hit Alexandra and I started laughing I was a monster " Connor please " she pleaded as I got my ice ready for the killing move then I couldn't take it " stop "I say I can tell I said it I think I'm breaking the drug I get on my hands and knees " stop it " I whispered my body rejected the control but I wouldn't sit and watch this I wanted my body back but how I started coughing I sat there and coughed up my own infected blood then I wiped the my mouth who new Alex would break it they made a mistake by letting her go when I stand up she hugged me

" don't ever do that again " she says I frowned " I had to if I didn't let him drug me I couldn't save you " I say she rolled her eyes " more like me saving you " she said I grinned my dad and Sam interrupt are moment " we had your mom burn out those guys you iced " my dad says then frowned at " me why would you agree to get drugged by that guy luckily Alexandra told us everything " my dad says " so mom's ok " I say dad nodded " she's downstairs " my dad says I sighed " he's not done " I say finally " the scientist is not done of course he isn't he always has a backup plan " Sam says I smile " while I was with uh the scientist if that's his name he said tomorrow he's sending his army of villains here a rampage he called it " I say looking down my dad past my shoulder " it's ok son let's rest tonight "he says

I shrug him off " no it's not I attacks you guys " I say Sam shook his head " then make it up to us and help us take them down tomorrow " says Sam I smiled at him " really " I say he nodded what you did was stupid but I understand you let yourself get drugged to save her " he said that meant a lot coming from Sam my dad patted Sam on the back " I think your going soft brother " my dad says Sam walked away " I'll be downstairs " he said walking out of the lab " me to " dad says following Sam giving me a wink Alexandra turns to me

" hey uh can you take us to the roof " she says I smiled and teleported us to the hero building roof the sunset was out it looked really beautiful Alexandra started crying I knew the view was good but not good enough to cry " my uh mother woke up today I went and visited her it made me realize I didn't want to lose her " she said I squeezed her hand " it's ok " I say Alexandra shakes her head " no today I thought I was going to lose you " she says I looked down " you won't hey Alex I wanna ask you something " I say

She smiled " what is it " she says "the battle of our lives is coming up so I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend " I say she grinned " I will she says kissing me I kiss her back I now know I love her she brought me out my drugged haze because I loved her " ahem I would love to see you suck your girlfriends face but mom wants you " I hear Braxton say I stop and so did Alex we turned to Braxton at the top of the stairs that led to the roof I went engine red " how long have you been there " I say he smiled " long enough " he says  I'm sure I went redder Alex and Braxton follow me    " where is mom "  I say "  in Sam's room " he replied so I head to Sam's room on the hero apartment floor I knocked on the door once I reached it

I was all aware of Braxton staring at me I was happy once I saw mom she hugged me then let me I first smelled the food which made me aware that I hadn't ate in a long time I stared at the table dad and Sam were sitting and joking   " please change your outfit my mom persisted I sighed I wonder why the hero's keep her here . Five minutes later I come out my room in clean clothes and I walked over to the table by Braxton a plate was already there for me I wondered who cooked since mom wasn't known for legendary cooking skills  " uh who cooked " I asked the room went deadly silent and I saw sam avoiding my gaze I grinned  " wow Sam " I say he glanced over at me I quickly looked away why was he so scary

" so guess what I saw" Braxton blurted out all attention is on him my I continue to sip my drink like nothing out of the blue happened Alexandra winked at me I continue to sip my drink hoping to blend in with the scenery or disappear completely Sam is smiling now " and what is that " he says Braxton beams  " I saw Connor kissing his girlfriend " he says gosh I hate him my drink almost goes out of my mouth and my face gets hot dad and mom shared a knowing look while Sam looked all to smug  " you know I saw that to " Alexandra's says piping up my I looked up at the ceiling why me   Braxton laughed   " I knew this would happen " dad says

" great " I say the whole table laughed at my embarrassment but Alexandra only smiled at me and held my hand under the table

Tomorrow I'll be judged if a villain can change

V Is For Villain ! Under Editing  !Where stories live. Discover now