-job -

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When I get home mom and dad are talking in low voices at our small condo sized table " hey mom's where's Braxton " I asked confused mom sighed " he came home before you then he left " she said I shrugged my shoulders and go into my room I wonder what they were arguing about it can't be anything good I think back to my illnesses was it really an illnesses if it grants me powers I shake my head and sit by the door to hear what mom and dad are saying I couldn't hear a thing but I got snippets of the conversation " no way " " your job doesn't provide pay as much anymore " .

I hear and I sit there kinda shocked maybe I shouldn't have listened I just found out my parents are in a tight spot I get up and slap my brothers bracelet on my wrist just in case my brother taught me how to modify it well he gave me the instruction manual but hey were not all perfect . I made some changes because I didn't want anyone to recognize me as a villain. But I cannot admit how fun it was being bad the secret thrill made me want to do more instead I'm going job hunting to help mom and dad out I looked out the window I better go before it gets dark

I go out my room mom eyes me " Connor where are you going " she said her tone indicated that I won't be going anywhere but this is for their own good " um I want to go get a job I mean I might as well might I'll be back before it's dark " I say she sighed " ok sweetie " she said I walk out the door an sigh .

My mom doesn't trust us with her truck or maybe I should say me she's afraid I'll damage it so I'm stuck walking and just looking for jobs When it happens I'm told there isn't much villain activity in this city yeah right one of the heroes I notice flying around in the sky but even more eye catching is the guy going against him it was another hero they were play fighting in the sky I roll my eyes before I know it it's dark outside I frowned I should get going back home I hang my head in defeat I still haven't found a job I didn't want to come home empty handed . Defeat weighed heavy on my mind Until I sulk right past a closed bank and no it's not the job interviews that interest me.

It's the excitement I feel when looking into it like some high tech thief I shake my head why did I want to do this to help my family or fuel my excitement the answer was obvious I could do this just tonight maybe I wasn't bad I just okay who am I fooling I totally feel bad right now I tapped my bracelet and the new back outfit covered me my mask is the same structure but it was black with a grey with a yellow lightning bolt on it I felt bad and definitely guilty about what I'm doing I don't know my powers yet anyway and since all the workers are gone I can't control them I started to worry until my eyes get hot so hot I quickly opened my eyes two large red beans come out my eyes the glass shatters .

I have to will my eyes back to normal because of the fact I might damage the goods I came here for I hear people screaming behind me I grinned something about being bad was so I don't know great I remember that the people here don't get villain activity but when they do you bet it's all over the news . I go inside the bank like I own the place I walk to the vault and laser beam it I found it easy to do it now since the first time the vault now has a human sized hole I walkthrough looking at all the money I decided to only take one bag

And walk out in the doorway I made is a hero I smiled this just got interesting but the facade washes off the fun has warned off I get a good look at the hero I'm facing I would try to plead this isn't even big theft but I guess to her it is her outfit is all wacky like a giant purple and green puzzle piece while her hair is totally green she smiled " come try me villain" she says I grasp the money more firmly but smiled " gotta catch me first" I say I don't know where it comes from but suddenly I'm up on top of the building " so I have teleportation " I say to no one, in particular, I hear a whoosh behind me and I see the hero girl " ugh do villains have to be so cocky " she says I take a step back

" I guess someone has to get you up your lazy but " I say and smile even though I have no idea how to teleport again I'm still going to act like I no how she grinned " and I guess someone is going to have to defeat you " she says i grin " I don't see you trying to " I say she reaches out to grab me but before she can I will her to stop I smiled and saluted her " let's do this again sometime soon " I say and I teleport home I guess I really wanted to go home because I must be subconsciously controlling the teleports . I do know one thing mom is going to kill me I sigh how do I explain getting in my room without opening the front door because we're in a condo several feet up.

I tap my bracelet returning back to my clothes I left in I put the bag of money in my tiny safe that mom got me I'd never thought I'd be using it to hide my stolen goods. Then I stand up and close my eyes c'mon Connor you can do this I imagine the lobby then our floor then I see the front door I opened my eyes to find me surprise still in my room I sigh frustration closing my eyes once more I will myself there I opened my eyes again I was now successfully in front of our door that would take some practice I knocked on the door and Braxton opened it a tooth brush in his mouth " where hafe you biin " I make out " I push past him mom and dad our sitting on the couch worried looks on their face Braxton is next to me now " you're so dead " he whispers and goes back to brushing his teeth in and walks into the bathroom shutting the door .

He acted like a bomb would go off and in reality, it really would. mom Noticed me first she gets up angry that I didn't at least call. " Connor O'Reilly " she says I winced you always know your in trouble when they use your whole name it's like in the parents code book that for some reason every adult has already read " are you okay " she says hugging me like I would die I frowned deeply I wanted to say that I didn't feel good at all I felt guilty and bad like I didn't own my body anymore I felt well evil even though it was just one bag of money but I reassure myself that my family's in a tight spot and I'd do it all again in a heartbeat I'm already screwed up anyways .

" oh Connor we saw it on the news " she said I nodded really fast " was there really a villain here " dad says still sitting on the couch I looked into mom's blue eyes knowing I have those same eyes looking back at her Braxton comes out the bathroom " how is this fair " he shouted mad my mom shushed him glaring at him. Because I survived a dangerous villain attack " did you at least get a job " he says I smiled "of course I did " I say grinning the villain job.

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