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I got her to Lay down  she didn't fight no more she just didn't want to hurt me but the hero's if that made sense my mom fell back in my arms I didn't know about that whole drugged thing  "  that was sweet " Said Alex grinned I grin back  Sam would be here any moment now.  He was the most annoying uncle ever I kept thinking back about what she said  " Connor " said Alexandra in a half scream  pulling me out of my thoughts and it reminded me of the dull throb where my mom hit me  " what " I say trying not to think of the pain now  " your stomped it doesn't look ok " she says
Scared . I looked down confused my eyes widened their was a giant puncture wound there and it was still bleeding if I don't stop it now I don't think I'll make it

Alexandra holds something out to me it's a bandage " where did you get that " I say taking the bandages and wrapping my wound tightly sadly I couldn't do anything else I wasn't a expert then I hear a loud yell I cringe "  Connor what where you thinking " Sam yelled dad close on his heels when dad sees mom he tried to hide his worry but I see it  I looked down "  I was thinking you can't help her only me or Braxton could've gotten to her "  I replied angrily looked down at mom on the lobby floor at least she's ok  " ugh I swear your a headache " Sam says I laughed  " me I'm a headache that's weird coming from the guy who reads people's minds " I say sharply

He glared knives in my head good ole uncle Sam   I felt woozy my bandage was soaked with my own dark blood I let out a groan I would love to stay and argue but I don't think I would make it that long  " my God Connor what happened" my dad says  worried now  I sigh  " I uh got hurt " I say Alexandra frowned  "  Connor your not thinking straight " she says I dismiss her with a wave  " I'm ok I just got impaled " I say laughing at my perfect frozen reference my dad doesn't believe me one bit he angrily touched my side it healed quickly only leaving a scar behind and lots of blood  " Connor don't lie about your condition  "  he said in his doctor voice I sigh feeling a lot better I take off the bandages but my shirt is ruined

I did care it was a nice shirt because it was for the hero meeting I sigh Alexandra laughed  " don't worry Connor it wasn't your color any way  " she says I gasped  " so what is "  I question she smiled " black " she said I grin back at her dad frowned looking at mom but then his face softened  " what are we going to do with her " he says I smiled  " first we fix her up then I don't know we learn about this drug " I suggest my dad frowned " what drug "he said I looked down the events to vivid in my mind  " she said she was drugged " I say not keeping the sadness out my voice her icicle hurt more than any words she said a wise person once said actions speak louder than words and that was all to clear to me

I stayed silent while Sam and dad debated what that could possibly mean I didn't see what happened next I only felt the pain as a dart shot out of nowhere hitting my neck with a whack my eyes rolled back in my head  and a teleporter villain caught me to fast for the hero's he whisked me away teleporting .

I woke up in the dark I couldn't move my arms or legs I noticed I was in a upright position and a dirty rag was in my mouth how could I be kidnapped like that my mouth was dry and I felt horrible my neck hurt every time I used my head I bet Alexandra is worried so would dad and ... I can't finish my thoughts because something hard hit me on the back of my I head  couldn't turn around but I'd recognize the voice anywhere  " bandit where are we " says Alexandra's voice did they get her to I felt relieved I would hate being here alone  but then I felt bad that she was here because these people didn't look friendly I didn't want her to get hurt

I couldn't use my powers I felt that same draining weak affect that I had  when I got hit with the gun I looked around once again all I could see was the darkness then as if by some miracle a light turned on I quickly took in my surroundings I was tied up in a chair with ropes around me tying me to it I can see Alexandra out of the corner of my eye I can see her head  we were back to back to each other  in the same predicament the place looked like an abandoned warehouse it wasn't very clean either and it was huge but so far all I saw was the dirty cracked floor and two closed doors the ceiling was white and it smelled like fresh paint in here

I almost jumped out of my seat when someone dropped from the ceiling rails . Which would be impossible since  I'm tied up   I looked at the guy who honestly freaked me out he had greasy black hair and dark brown eyes he looked like he was older than us   he didn't smile at us rather just stare then he spoke  " Connor O'Reilly and Alexandra Verde " he says seriously his face doesn't give away any hints he frowned and pushed Alexandra's chair across from me she squirmed in her seat she was no facing me he pulled her  gag down then he came over to me then did the same thing I felt a little surge of power I think it's coming back

" why are we here " I say  the guy looked at me  "  you ruined my creation she was my pet and you ruined her now how will I defeat the hero's "  he said    I angrily shift in my seat he's the one who drugged my mom this is all his fault and it seams like he's leading the villains to destroy the hero's  " it's simple I brought you here to see how you ruined my creation you piqued my interest "  he said Alexandra sighed  " but that doesn't explain a thing  " she  says
His face goes angry then he comes next to me  " want to be my specimen half hero and villain your very special you know that doesn't happen very often " he says my stomach churned this guy is a total nut case

" what do you mean "  I finally get out  he smiled creepily    "  I'm going to drug you then everyone will see your villain potential and I will get rid of the heroes because you will destroy their devices  "  he said I narrowed my eyes  "  I won't let you " I say  he laughed   " I will let the girl go if you let me  "  he says I hang my head down   " no Connor don't " Alexandra pleaded  I looked up  " I'll do it just leave Alex out of this" I say he smiled and teleported Alexandra away then he come back  " I'm glad you've accepted " he says .

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