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The next day the sun wakes me up and I'm groggy I sigh I should really do my super villainy on the weekend's I smiled to myself this time I'll have a presentable outfit to go in. I get up getting a white shirt then I put on a red sweater if you haven't noticed I love red then I hastily get on some jeans, socks, and shoes my red converse I get out the door Braxton is all ready and eating and he's playing on a phone my phone. why would he do that I have a password like any self respecting person he's smiling that means he found something good I come up behind him " what's that " I say he jumps out his chair clearly surprised I got up early.

He covers it up then he says " what's this " he said shoving my own phone into my face I snatch it and look at what he showed me it's a picture Alexandra took yesterday she said she wanted my phone yesterday I didn't know it was for this she said she was calling her parents I wasn't paying attention and she took a picture of us while I wasn't looking I sigh " I don't see what's wrong " I say powering off my phone Braxton Smiled " oh so my little bro thinks a girl is no big deal " he says my eyes widened at once I grasped what he meant I'm pretty sure I go little red .

Braxton Smiled " ah ha I thought so, " he said I shake my head turning away " c'mon were almost late, " I say he follows me thus time he approves of my outfit enough to walk a little far off. When we get to school I sigh why did the school have to be so close to our condo I'd much rather ride in a car even if that means Braxton drives it I saunter into school when I see a strange sight Braxton and preppy guy were both talking to Alexandra my brother spots me then winks. I have a feeling he's never going to drop that picture I wonder why they're both talking to her preppy guy followed my brother's eyes seeing me then he smiled I stand there stunned did he just smile

He waves his hand as if I should come over I do but hesitantly I don't trust him " your Braxtons brother is this your first day I didn't see you yesterday " he says cheerfully I can't believe it he really doesn't remember me Alexandra's eyebrows go up I grin
" really because I saw you when you grabbed the end of my shirt and called me a bum " I say walking past him his eyes go wide I don't say to see him glare at me Alexandra runs up to me " dang Connor " she says laughing " you should've seen his face " she says " what did he want anyway " I say her expression falters but then she smiled sheepishly using my shoulder as arm rest for her arm " oh I'm having a party at my parents house tonight she smiled " your invited only if you bring soda " she says I smile " deal " I say

By the time it's lunch I'm starved. I get my food quickly going to sit by Ian I hear no objections so I sit by Ian " glad you could make it Connor " he says then goes back to his Apple apparently he's a vegetarian Abby as always starts the conversation about boys " so how's the new villain " she says asking Alexandra I was drinking my water and almost choked on it how would Alexandra know about me I looked at her interested now so is the rest off the table even John " ah well I didn't get to fight him " she says looking off Abby rolled her eyes " details Alex " she says I stay quite while Alexandra explains I'm shocked she's the hero from last night it makes sense now .

" he sounds hot " Abby says causally my eyes go wide Ian shakes his head " sounds like a cocky idiot if you ask me " Ian says " he was kinda cute " says Alexandra Coolly wow I think " why did he steal just one bag " John says and the group takes it in " what do you think Connor " Abby says noticing I haven't said anything " oh well I think I just had to get out of there " I say then I realized they didn't know I was there " what do you mean " Ian says I sigh " I was out by the bank he was breaking into I was going to get a job there " I say " wow that means you saw the whole fight then " said Abby I smiled " what fight as long as I can tell they were having a conversation " I said smirking at Alexandra she scowled at me " don't make me revoke your invite " she says

It's night time and I'm staring at my closet I'm afraid I'll laser beam it if I look any harder until Braxton comes in my room all dressed up " you should totally change bro" he said looking me up and down shaking his head I grit my teeth until he leaves then I put my bracelet on her dad is a hero maybe I'll need it I just switch my shirt to a black v neck . conveniently mom and dad have a dinner with there friends tonight which means we can go but will have to walk sadly but I can teleport but like the nice nonsuper, I am I walk alongside Braxton who talks about all the cute girls he's met so far typical.

When we arrive the at the house I'm shocked by the sheer size of it. It's sitting on a cliff and it looks like a Malibu house did I mention the pool lights up awesome. Now you're probably wondering how did I get directions well simple Braxton actually asked for them non creepily I might add so he knew the way. there Are a bunch people playing beer pong in the yard and a couple gazing at the stars Braxton Smiled walking up the long driveway standing at the door is huge bodyguard I gulp I wonder if I'm on the list. Instead he smiles " I can read minds, Connor, he says I almost jumps he lets out a dark laugh " you two are on the list " he says my mind feels like it was invaded the bodyguard looked down at me an eyebrow raised I practically push Braxton through the door he's about to yell at me .

When we take in the scene in front of us a wide lobby there's a huge disco ball the room is covered in rainbow lights the music is super loud Braxton grins widely at me walking into the mob of people dancing I feel so oddly out of place this wasn't my type of thrill but it sure was Braxtons type of thrill I sigh I could got party sure then I hear a big boom I suspect it's part of the music I go to get a drink knowing by now it's not just fruit punch it's spiked I shrugged but then pieces of plaster and wood come down it's total chaos people run and scream trying to avoid getting hit with wood from the newly made hole in the floor I wish I new where Alexandra was her parents are going to murder her .

I assume it's a villain I mean who else instead it's a well known hero he looks angry " I know you're here " he said Alexandra finally steps out I try not to drop my mouth she was wearing a purple sequin dress and had her hair down she looked well I think you can guess she looked beautiful . She steps toward the hole in then wall preppy guy on her trail she sneaks a glance my way and waved I smiled ruefully and the hero glared holes into my face I look back down that's probably her dad I mean he does have black hair like her although he has brown dull eyes and not green eyes like her . I realize he's the skull crusher the strongest hero in the legendary league of the hero's I didn't want to be on his hit list " not you sweetie you know I do care about your party's I mean the villain " he says.

My heart races In my chest I bet he can practically hear it on the outside I Will my face to remain passive but on the inside I'm dying I wanted to shiver I'm dead for sure " what " Alexandra says as whispers spread along my classmates my heart speeds up my facade is breaking " yes my bodyguard warned me that a villain is among us " he said I sink into the crowd and wait for nobody to notice me then I shut my eyes and I arrived outside the hero is floating up by the hole dang can't my teleports be anymore annoying I should be making my safe get away I noticed the year is empty everyone on the yard must've run I tapped my bracelet and I walk up to the hero silently and I tap on his shoulder " you got a reason for interrupting my run at the party " I say grinning everyone one the other side gasp.

Alexandra frowned her dad raises his fist ready to squish me the poor villain

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