-the villain-

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I almost jumped out of my skin his big fist was coming down I can't believe I got myself into this mess in the first place  i instinctively  teleport out of the way  " now remember I'm a guest " I say he gets angry and started to pound me every where I go he was fast I realized I smile   " you're  fast"  I say   taking a breath breathing hard  he doesn't talk only he comes at me with his fist this time I don't avoid it instead I madly laser beam him before he can come close  he goes flying I whistle he slams into the yard bits of turf flying everywhere . Everyone in the house screams horrified

Well until he gets up  " come here you little pest  " he says forgetting that I was just a kid he grabbed me twisted my arms I wanted to cry out in pain so unfair. Then he slammed me into the ground my head pounds oh no this is not the time to get sick my body hurts everywhere my eyes sting everybody in the house gasped and some looked away but he's not done oh no he doesn't notice that I'm just a kid and not some higher up villain this is what i get for playing villain i'm not experienced  I  groan as he walks away thinking I'm done for but my anger is pounding wave of emotions plus I feel cold I get up wobbly and let out a painful laugh " gosh that hurt " I say he spins around  " screw up " he muttered underneath his breath my eyes catch I close them a new found anger  building up

I can't stop it by then the ice is out of my control turns out I have ice powers but I can't control them the ice immediately spreads over the skull crusher I hear Alexandra cry out I wince stop I tried to tell myself it didn't it slowly was edging towards  my class mate's I want to say I'm sorry but the words never get the chance to come out my mouth  because a fiery warmth spreads out among my arms as I cool down what have I done I attack my friend's dad she probably thinks I'm a monsters I felt like one and that hurts the most  I didn't want to be a monster but I feel as through I'm already one

" I'm sorry " I whispered so no one can hear me   I melt the skull crusher before he gets Frostbite  I try to control the fire  and
He falls on the grass  shivering I looked around and found a blanket  I close my eyes  trying to warm it up I imagine heat conduits and the blanket is warm I dropped it on him his eyes went wide as I walked away and teleported but there is no mistaking what he says  " I accept your apology "  he says

I had teleported behind the house tapping my bracelet  I teleport back into the house luckily no one was looking  Alexandra tells everyone to leave but I don't Braxton Smiled at me and then makes his way out with the rest they don't use the front door no they use the giant hole Alexandra's dad made  she's on the yard bending over her dad this will be a party to remember . I walk over to her  " hey uh Alex you ok "  I say looking at her dad he was sitting up now and he glared at me instead of pushing me away she sighed  "  no Connor not really I've never seen a villain who saves his victim  " she said  "  me neither " I replied  

She smiled at me weakly  " you're funny Connor " she says her dad coughs  " Connor is it " he says   I nodded  " What do you think " I ask him he looked down  "  I think the kids confused he only stole one bag of money possibly because he needed it. But my daughter's right he didn't have to save me most of every villain would jump at the chance of killing me but he didn't  " says her dad I looked down he was right I am confused and quite frankly I didn't like the idea of hurting anyone  "  I think your right "  I say  he smiled  " how about you join us for dinner " says Alexandra's dad my eyes widened  " um .... " I mutter he smiles  " it's settled then, " he says I frowned

I don't know why but remembered when we were fighting I felt sick I tell her dad I've already eaten so he just invites my to their dinner conversation  " so Connor tell me about yourself " he says Alexandra shakes her head I sit there wondering what to say   " um if you don't mind me asking why did you invite me  " I say  changing the topic he smiled  "  I know all my daughter's friends " he said eyeing me  my phone started to buzz    your so dead xoxox Braxton what could he mean suddenly there's a knock at the door  " I wasn't expecting guests " says Alexandra's dad he gets up all I see is mom's worried blue eyes she pushed past the skull crusher and was by me " oh my god Connor don't scare me like that you know you've got a sickness " she sar angrily  I sit in shock

Great now Alexandra knows about my weird sickness that grants me powers  "mom how did you get here  " I say she pants  " I heard about the fight she glared at Alexandra's dad  and when I heard you and your brother was here and he didn't walk you back so I asked him for directions  " she says   " oh I'm George Verde and you must be Connors mother I was just inviting him to dinner " George says interrupting my mom's worry session thank god she shakes his hand  " oh well I'm Donna "  she replied I look over at Alexandra we both smiled and get the  heck out of there  .

Alexandra's room is very um color full she has a huge black bed and a hammock in the corner of her room th wall is purple Alex puts on a jacket I looked at her tv the her small closest  she poked me  " you didn't tell me you had an illness  " she says I smile   " Well it's not serious and it hasn't really happened yet " I lie  she sits on her bed  picking at the fluff on her pillow   she smiled  " you know Connor  you're mother is funny like you "  I smiled   " yeah right she's plain scary to me " I say  Alexandra laughed " it's been one crazy night " she says looking up at me  sincerely  " yeah what do you think about the villain "  I say sitting by her she sighed  her dress ruffles " I think he's kind interesting and totally has hero material " she says my eyes widened " why do you think that " I say

" because it's obvious that's he's not that evil and I'm going to change him most likely save him before he does something stupid " she answers  I smile  " I'm sure he would like that " I say she leans in close to me her mouth parts I go red is she going to kiss me she's certainly bold enough to .  the door opens I break away I didn't realize I had learned in too I'm pretty sure I see her blush as well

My mom and George walk in his eyes are narrowed I have to fight the urge to wink at him  " c'mon on Connor " my mom says I get up and follow her out the house to the car

When I'm Safely at home in my bed I think all the past events over I sigh looking up in the dark at the ceiling  my door creaked open who could it be at this hour it's Braxton and he's grinning like an idiot  "mom told me she walked in on you almost kissing " -he says shining his phone light in my face I looked away feeling my cheeks flush c'mon Connor play it cool  " get out Braxton " I say he smiled he slowly exits my room I sigh when he closes the door I think about how she's a hero and I'm a villain I smile as I think of her changing me, after all, a hero and a villain  how cliche is that

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