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When I woke up I had a horrible headache up didn't even drink. I sigh last night was a whirlwind I stopped a robbery ended up robbing a robber and fainted at a party my brother didn't take me home of course not he was too drunk he manned up and called mom not dad but he still got in major trouble for bringing his sick brother to a party. my sicknesses finally showed up I frowned on my bed today I would be starting my new school today if I felt good

Honestly, I feel terrible I'm sure I look it to not even good looks can keep you from looking bad I know shocker people in the movies make it look easy. I'm tired and I can't get what I did last night out of my mind did I really control people with my mind. I mean I made a guy do the chicken dance. I know what I did was bad but I'm already a screw up its not like it can get any worse right I mean I stay there in bed wishing for more sleep when Braxton comes in really loudly " c'mon Connor get up " he said angrily I roll my eyes it's not my fault he got himself in trouble seriously who brings their sick brother to a party .

So without further delay, I get up getting ready. When I'm done I'm not surprised that I still looked like crap the bags under my eyes make me look like I got punched in both eyes I sigh I'm just wearing red today and well some sweatpants I know why Connor o Reilly are you showing up like that on the first day of school what if there are super kids a bully even . Well, I smile I'm just going to have to change it. I walk out the door and walked straight into mom " oh hon are you really good to school I frowned "well yeah I feel fine " she looks at me skeptically like the word fine meant totally not fine at all which in my case it does the events of last night burn in my mind

I quickly walk out the door with Braxton he smiled at me " that's what you're wearing you look like a bum " he says I frowned " can we not " I say madly I wasn't in the best mood since last night I know he can tell he dropped it walking ahead of me so nobody thinks I'm his brother as if I radiate screw up vibes . When we finally arrived at our new school I stand there impressed how did our parents get us here I mean sure the school name is lame utopian sword wasn't really cool but it's right by the hero building I immediately feel guilt I could've helped the man give his money back but no I turned out to be the villain that night instead of one of my beloved heroes

I look back at the school it's a huge brick building with a massive sword on the front some kids walk pass me one shouted " go home bum " while walking away my blood boiled maybe I shouldn't dressed more nicely I sigh again looking at the preppy guy who said that I smiled willingly allowing him to trip on some invisible force he falls while his so called friends laughed at him . So I've still got this power it was weird what if I had more that I didn't know about
I try not to think about it but instead I grin at the preppy guy every little bit helps

I walk in the school the teacher might introduce me I don't know how this really works the my parents already met with the principal I just travel to my class not feeling safe at all I mean why send your sons to a half humans school the half was the hero's kids since the school is right by the hero building I guess they decided to send their kids here I sigh mom sent us here because well be safer with hero kids looking after us I shake my head what she really meant was the hero kids will bully you for being weak I'm almost to my class scanning the hallway for Braxton but of course he's well away from me .

Until I'm stopped by preppy boy from outside my eyes go wide great a fight on my first day totally what I need he's holding on to my hoodie " uh can I help you " I say trying to sound surprised but on the inside I'm annoyed he smiled I get a good look at him his brown hair is gelled his angry brown eyes are trained on me " you think what you did was funny " he said I put my hands " but I didn't do anything " I hated myself for acting clueless but hey he grinned " think you can fool me bum kid you don't even belong here you belong on a street stop trying to sneak in " he yells great now the whole school knows my predicament

I wince he brushes off his new polo pointing at the door my eyes narrowed I wasn't going anywhere I get out of his grasp walking briskly away before he can catch up because I don't wanna use whatever I got on him again but before he can catch up a girl stepped in my way she had long black hair in two ponytails and green eyes she had pale skin she looked like a witch, to be honest with her purple and green hair extensions she pulled me into a corner as soon as preppy guy passes us she turned back to me

" you're lucky new kid he was a hero and could totally kick your but " she says I stand there. " thanks I guess " I say she smiled " you're just lucky I hate hero types " she said " so you're a uh villain " I whisper she smiled and laughed " no I have powers and I'm a hero but I just hate my rude companions " she said I signed that's cool with me " I'm Alexandra Verde " she said " oh well I'm Connor Reilly " I say she smiled " I like it I might just consider becoming your body guard " she said walking away back into the hallway I try to follow but she's already gone

So I go to class the teacher announced me I hear several whispers causing me to go red. Still, I'm not coming to school in a polo tomorrow.

Lunchtime rolls around I just for the record hate lunchtime at New schools where everyone already. I looked for Braxton but he was already talking with preppy guy at his table I frowned deeply until a arm is around my shoulder " hey Connor you're all alone " she says I nodded " yeah well it's the first day " I say she laughed " you're way too optimistic " she says then she sighs " come sit at my table we don't bite" she said winking and walking off .

Once I had the food I walked over to her table it wasn't much just her some other girl and two other guys I was nervous well super nervous until I sat down Alexandra introduced everyone there was Ian, Abby, And John they were all pretty cool Ian was a super like Alexandra but he could only move objects with his mind and fly he was pretty smart and down to earth Abby was just plain boy crazy and John was really quite only saying stuff here and there

" hey uh new kid why are you dressed like that today anyway um if you don't mind me asking" Abby says everyone at the table looked at me I wanted to die of embarrassment but I tell them " oh well I witnessed robbery a store and got really sick" I say nonchalantly Ian's eyes widened " and I didn't really feel like dressing up after that " I say leaving the key details out " that sounds fun " Abby said her eyes wide " I heard about that last night a robber was in the middle of a robbery when a super hero stole his money that is the one right " said John I nodded

" that sounds interesting, " says Alexandra I look off they didn't know the other half where I turned out to be a


V Is For Villain ! Under Editing  !Where stories live. Discover now