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I swear my heart jumped out of chest not literally but it feels like it did his face is pure rage time to bounce I think but I don't teleport because I haven't mastered it yet and it wants to see me die thank you powers George is really angry  " get off her piece of trash he says pulling out a device it looked like a gun except the hole for a bullet hole is really big please tell me he's not going to shoot me with his big gun he pulled the trigger I get in front of Alexandra  and take it full on . Surprisingly it's not a bullet but a wave I wanted to laugh his device didn't even hurt until I realized why

His super powers device that takes away powers he had to hit me with it I feel weak and not the good kind was this my sickness acting up well this it I'm going to die I wanted slap myself Alexandra cries out I feel drained now totally emotionally drained  her dad smiled " your going to be first " he says I remember how nice he was last night I felt like I've been lied to he strikes his fist towards me i can't stand my ground and I hit the wall with a huge thud  Alexandra cries out again trying to run over to me   " I brought you here this is my fault " she says her dad smacks her a little to hard using his super strength to do it she hits a cubicle with a sickening thud my stomach twisted I can heal her if I can just get my power back I can save her I need to I won't let that that sick man hurt her

" behave child " he says as if she might not be dead my heart is racing now please don't die Alexandra I think he turns back to me " why you're here I'm going to make this worth my while he says walked closer to me my arm is all bloody from where it hit the wall I need to save her I think the blood rushing to my ears I need to save her I think desperately then the power cuts back on I can feel the strength of powers it's a miracle they returned  " I won't let you hurt us anymore  " say firmly I've got to  make sure he's down for the count I clutch my broken arm and opened my eyes I make sure the blast is hard this time I don't hold back the he slammed into a wall I'm not done I can't control my powers ice grows up my arm heat the other I'm going to give us time

To prepare he dropped his device his body embedded in the wall " no don't "  I hear him shout  i touched the device with my arm with fire on it I grabbed Alex on instinct and I teleport away alex in my arms I don't know where to take her I hear a boom of the hero building the device must have had a nasty effect after being touched by fire because the building is smoking black fumes come out the side I realize the sun is falling now  I teleported us to the roof I was on earlier I placed my hand on the back of her head thinking of heading her and surprisingly it worked I didn't know I had this power either but some how I just knew I had it

The bruises on her head heal so do the cuts and scrapes disappearing without a trace  she sits up weakly  hugging me with her arms loosely " your a good villain " she said I laughed  " you're dad is crazy " I say finally  her face scrunched up   " I'm so angry hero's don't kill they just don't"  she says  kicking the gravel madly wincing  she realized she shouldn't be pushing her self after that I don't how well my powers work it was fully nighttime now 
"  I don't want to go home but at the same time I really don't know where to go " she says I realized she really doesn't Ian's parents are strict and won't let him have friends around Abby lives with her grandmother all the way across town John doesn't like sleep overs

" but maybe you have a place " she says winking her old charm coming back  " I can't Alex " I say then my eyes widened why am I such a colossal failure  "  wait I didn't tell you my name she says I turned away   " I uh meant jigsaw " I say she comes closer to me now  " who's under that mask "  she says  I blush Connor you're idiot I tell myself  " no one " I say she grinned  " aww big bad villain  " she teased I turned on her  "  oh really Alexandra I know everything about you doesn't that make you scared " I say  leaning close to her face for a reaction  she laughed  " you're ridicules bandit  " she says   " I'm not the least bit afraid of you " says I roll my eyes  " fine you know what's scary having nowhere to go  "I  say her eyes widened 

" oh no I'm sorry bandit your super scary " she says sarcasm in her voice  I look at her out of the corner of eyes " I'm going to let you slide only because you sound pathetic"  I say   she frowned  " don't you have to reveal yourself " she says I grinned  " I don't  want to " I say sighing  " then I'll do it for you " she says my eyebrows raised in confusion   then she uses her super speed to try to take my mask of but it won't budge she looked down at my bracelet then she shakes her head c'mon please " she says I shake my head then out nowhere she kisses me I returned it but she tapped my bracelet in the process " your a good kisser but I want to see my knight in spandex " she joked

Once I'm back in my normal clothes she gasped then she grinned" Connor " she says   I looked down " yeah it's me  "  I say  she jumped  " I know villains are bad but I just new it was you nobody else has your stormy blue eyes " she said I looked down  " I'm not keeping that name  " I say   " okay whatever you say Bandit "she says I shake my head  " why did you decide to become a villain " she says seriously  I looked down  "  I once heard my mom talking about how they had money problems so I decided the get a job and I walked right past the bank it wasn't my first time stealing so I thought maybe this would be the last time  "  I say she frowned 

" do you like it  " she says  I grin " as much as I want to say no I enjoy it but not the perks like killing " I get out she pauses  " you're not good at either are you " she says  I smile  " nobody said it was going to easy "  I replied   " Connor how did you beat the device it's effects last for an hour " she said  I shake my head "  I don't know " I say  " my birthday is in 13 days " she said looking down at me  "and were the only ones who knows about his plan  " she says  " 13 days sounds ominous " I say  she glared I at me I smirk tapping my bracelet   " then we'll just have to stop him  " I say looking at her in the darkness she smiled  her face bright under the moonlight  " good because sometimes you need bad to flush out and bad "  she says

" I'm glad you agree " I say grinning   " dang I could kiss you " she says I laughed " what's stopping you " I say .

I think I bought us a little bit of time I think as I stand in front of my condo door I was nervous about facing off with the hero's  would the world even care Alexandra looked at me  " I'm what are you waiting for " she says I count in my head 1...2...3 I think and a big grin opened the door " this is what I was waiting for " I say  my brother smiled  " invited your girlfriend for a sleepover I see " he said Alexandra pushed past me and punched my brother my eyebrows  " stop being a creep Braxton " she says Braxton cradles his cheek  " oh Alex I was joking I know you need a place to stay " he says

" good " she says satisfied I smile I can't help it I will Braxton to slap himself I haven't used that power in a long time he looks at both of us  confused we walk away laughing

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