-served ties-

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Life is all great til you wake up and realize school is today I groan getting up my body is sore from that fight I cleaned my arm the other day .  and dad being the great doctor he is stitched me up I didn't know this but my dad has healing powers like me . he heals his patients so he was like a hero I'm shocked he ended up with mom the complete opposite I sigh something still didn't sit right why didn't the gun work on me . After I got ready I sneak out the room turns out I woke up early I see Alexandra alsleep on the couch I run right into mom

She backs away from me crying  " mom are you okay " I say  " I noticed you've been avoiding me " says I looked down of course I have I found out she was a murderer  " but mom " I get our before she shushed me  "  no sweetie I want you to listen to me I'm a villain they got in my way I don't regret ANYTHING " she yelled I felt I had been stabbed I wanted to hear she lost control and killed those people or maybe they were evil  " then I guess I am to and I don't regret this " I say walking towards the door  " where are you going Connor " she wails   "  I thought you wanted this life " she said I walked out the door shutting it carefully I can't believe this

And to think I wanted to save her and the villains did they even deserve this probably not and now I feel more lost than ever I never wanted to go back to that monster I didn't know what to become now I didn't know what I was I wished desperately for my old happy life but it was never coming back I didn't know what to do

I sighed this is not what I should be doing I checked my phone I should be going to school by now I teleport to school not really in a caring mood I repeat what my says in my head  I thought you wanted this life  it made me sick I didn't want to think about it but then I do I think about it I feel relived when I walk into the school building  like that could take away my troubled I turn  started when I feel someone tap on my shoulder  it's  Alexandra  "  I heard everything " she said  " it really makes you question what your doing " I say  she frowned  "  I don't not for a second "  she says
" yeah well ..." I say not able to finish my sentence as a cold creeps out my arms i looked behind Alexandra not seeing anything I'm put on edge as Ian and Abby along with John walk to my locker  " hey guys long time no see " ian joked John smiled I wanted to laugh but it was out of me

Only because I realized that I might be homeless as well now   " what's wrong Connor " says John I face them " me and my mom had a bad fight this morning " I say that and many other  things that have went wrong  " it happens " Abby says Alexandra looked at me I think she only now understands how bad this impacted me Abby smiled I swear she's just like Braxton only a girl  " why is she looking at him like that " she says out loud  Alexandra looked away  " like what Abby"  she says   a little threatening.  her eyes were ablaze with the prospect of a challenge she gripped on my arm a little to tight I wanted to get the stuff out of my locker before we get expelled for talking to long  " you  like Connor " Abby says  ian gasped  " for real Abby how did you know  " ian asked

The hair on my neck pricked with the same coldness as before  " somethings wrong I think  then that's when it happens I hear a large boom the floor under our feet rattles it utter chaos people were afraid and curios some ran one kid yelled  " come quick in the school yard I searched the hall for Braxton he wasn't at his locker my stomach dropped  " lets go see what's happening " John says I nodded we run to the school yards in a rush so kids run away from the danger put not us we want to see what's going on
I desperately looked for Braxton fearing the worst we reach the front doors we can't see anything because the black smoke outside is to much for the Windows Ian pushed the door open in the black cloud is a huge Carter some device in the grass is causing the smoke my heart dropped  I see preppy guy lying on the ground his blood is all over the grass like dew .

His eyes are in shock he's not moving his face is pale but that's not even the worst part their is a huge hole in his head I felt sick I looked at my friends they looked paler and shocked it was Alexandra's dad he was laughing like a manic blood is stained all over him the blood of the kid he just killed Alex gasped she backing away crying so does the rest not because their sad but because their scared he's got his next victims before him  I barely recognize the bloody figure before I'm running full Sprint Alex calls out my name to stay back  " Braxton  " I screamed I didn't care anymore I will gladly take this guys life my eyes are stinging  "Connor " the bloody figure says edging closer to me on his bloody hands and knees  but George isn't done he grinned about to take the killing blow I'm not fast enough

I started to realize my heart beating out my chest I bring up my powers and I jump  teleporting in mid air my fist raised I land on him opening my eyes I laser beam the crap out of him then my  brother laughed   " dang Connor who knew you were bad " he says weakly   " don't touch my brother "  I say angrily what happened to all the teachers George is laying on the grass moaning in pain I rush over to Braxton  and touch his arm concentrating  and I heal him Braxton Smiled weakly and says " thanks little bro " he says then he passes out from exhaustion  my friends move in now " you have powers " ian says shocked couching over Braxton

I'm about to reply when a dark shadow blots out the light I think about how Alexandra is silent now we all witnessed a death and saw a dead person I'm lost in my thoughts preppy guy is dead I think sure I didn't like him but he didn't deserve to die I'm interrupted by a ahem and I looked up to see the hero called shadow standing over us definitely a shadow I think

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