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We all looked up surprised I'm super confused what is the shadow doing here I hear the wailing of police cars near by me Ian and Alexandra and John of course and annoying Abby  sit there amazed  " what the heck is going on here"  he says  looking me straight right in the eyes I wanted to shout a hero is harassing me but that would be so unprofessional   " um this hero started killing teachers and students"  I say looking down at Braxton I healed him but he might be hurt beyond repair  " ugh kid I know that we saw it at Headquarters " he says   he said  " all of it " I say gulping he started extra hard at us  " all of it " he says the others looked down shameful that out of all the people to help it was the villain

But they don't know that but I can tell they still feel guilty about it then he looked back at me   " I saw you  and I know that's not who you really are " he whispered to me my eyes go wide well I'm screwed for sure this time  " Connor"  he says I looked up he smiled but it doesn't reach his cold brown eyes  my eyes go wide how does he know my name   " I can read minds " he says finally answering my question so now I'm doubled screwed well that's it I'm going to jail for sure  but why did I feel like I've heard this guy's voice  " ian , Abby and John I want you to go inside now well handle this

They get up walking off I see ian shake his head at me  only Alexandra and me remained well and passed out Braxton   " you to our coming to live with me "  he said " why " Alexandra says  " because you're mother is in a coma your lucky your dad didn't kill her " he said his eyes cold as ice Alexandra started to sniffle couldn't this guy me any more blunt  " well why should I go" I say he smiled at me which I didn't like " your mom is coming out again and she won't stop until all of us hero's are dead for hurting her babies " he says I wondered about dad   was he with her on this  " and now all the villains know of George's plan they want to have a big fight " he says rolling his eyes clearly annoyed with the idea

I thought about how Alexandra's dad's device didn't work on me  not fully anyway just for a couple seconds Alexandra is looking down I would try to comfort her unlike the shadow but sadly he's still here  " but way you though I don't even know you how do I know your not another hero coming to kill me  "  I say he frowned  " yes killing you does interest me but sadly the hero council still thinks you have hero potential and wants you under  surveillance " he says I rolled my eyes hero potential yeah right  " I wouldn't be so sure yo did just save your brothers life " he says  I grind my teeth why does he have to be so stinking right

" well I still don't know you " I say he smiled    think again  I hear in my mind then he looked around for anybody the police haven't showed yet not even the paramedics  then he tapped his bracelet he's wearing a brown bikers jacket over his black shirt with jeans that not what interests me it's his face   " uncle Sam  " I say shocked  then he tapped his bracelet back in his grey super suit  great it's uncle Sam is everyone I know a hero now this just wasn't right not really  " c'mon kids let's go"  me and Alexandra get up
And she holds my hand I sigh  and pick up Braxton slumping him over my back it doesn't help that he's drooling on me talk about brotherly love

Sam continues on in front of us I don't know where he thinks we're going  " the hero building is close to here so that's where were going  " he says he read my mind again I hate mind readers there so annoying invading your mind   " Braxtons drooling on you " Alex pointed out taking her phone out and taking a picture   " really " I say she laughed winking at me  "  of course we can embarrass him when he wakes up " she says   " oh that reminds me when he does wake don't tell him the truth  " Sam warns  Alex and me groaned he is the ultimate party pooper.

Were almost to the building my stomach churns   Sam laughed  " they want to meet you tomorrow "  he said ugh I swear if he reads my mind one more time we move into the building and I see the golden statues again but Sam moves fast so we have to kinda fast walk to keep up with him which is not easy to do when you're trying to carry your brother on your back let me tell you Braxton stirs on my back we almost to a door this part of the hero building looked like a apartment  I know he doesn't live here because this wasn't our home town and I've been to his house before so what is this

" this is the hero apartments when we need somewhere to crash when where here or our house got destroyed by a villain " Sam said looking at me  great I don't think he's letting the villain thing go he opened the door it looked like a apartment but a house at the same time if that makes sense I smiled at Alexandra  "  you know I need some clothes and I'm not nearly as fast as you " I say slumping Braxton on the couch I grabbed Alexandra's hand and I teleport to my house because I'm just so awesome . Alexandra smiled at me  " did mention how much I love you " she says I grinned  " not enough " I say it looked like nobody is home  " we have to stop my  mom and the rest of the heroes who  know about your dad's plan its going to be messy I need to be there I don't care what my uncle says  " I say Alexandra nodded   " I agree with you " she says

After I packed my clothes at my house Alexandra insisted we go to hers and get her stuff then I teleported back to Sam's temporary home he's sitting on the couch not amused I smiled putting my bag down " you to are a load of trouble " he says madly he comes over to me with the device my heart skipped a beat I back up he rolled his eyes  " I'm not going to kill you nephew " he says "just punish you " he finished  I smiled go ahead I say in my head knowing full well he heard that he shoots me but  I can still feel my powers but I don't use them  " why don't you use it on Alex " I complain  he frowned " it only works on villains " he says but I smiled to myself that's why it doesn't work fully  I'm half hero because of my dad that's probably why I'm sick or not

  I teleport to his side  " good thing I'm half then " I say Alexandra laughed  " ugh just go to bed " he says walking off to one of the bedrooms  I looked at Braxton on the couch .

Me and Alexandra go to separate bedrooms but in the middle of the night I get up and walk to the couch to see Braxton watching tv I knew I heard something  I walk over to him he looked up " so are you and Alex a thing now " he says I go red  " that's not what I came to talk about"  I say   I sit down and tell him everything from the beginning except I leave Alexandra out of it . After I do he stated at me and then he smiled  " I already knew all that what kinda big brother do you think I am plus I'm super jealous you got powers but don't worry mine will show up and then I'll kick your to the curb  "  he says I laughed  " Yeah right

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