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I  wake up early tired and groggy I wonder why I'm up at this hour oh right it's because my crazy uncle is up banging on my door like someone's about to die if anyone is going to die it's going to him for waking me up this early I get up and get the door " this better be good  " I yelled  he rolled his eyes already dressed and ready for something  " the hero's want to meet you get ready " he says I rolled my eyes super annoyed I closed the door and I get ready my mind travels to the first day of school maybe I should dress nice for this I rummaged through my back lucky I'm so prepared because I bet all they wanna do is yell at me for my choices

I walked out the door  dressed really nice even my blond hair is combed now that's what I call effort  " c'mon Connor " he says practically pushing me out the door we walk to a single elevator on the floor  I gulp and get in with Sam I wait for it to push off I don't know what to expect out of them the top heroes are some of them corrupt like George I looked down I honestly don't know what I want anymore the elevator has been ascending for a while now my stomach isn't doing flip flops because I'm afraid of heights I wonder if they will scold me for blowing up half of their offices oops .

I sighed the elevator stopped and I almost jump my heart skipped a beat I didn't even mean to steal I don't want to give up the name the bandit I kinda like it now the door slowly opened like this couldn't be over fast enough  I expected to see a bunch of hero's sitting in a circle but instead their in a very high tech room sitting around an office table drinking coffee in super suits they have a full view of the school which has been shut down for a couple of days  and the whole city from up here Sam walks me in I wanted to run away screaming get me outta here but that would be very impolite of me I looked at all of them neutral ,  shocker , October , Madame abyss  , and of course shadow my uncle I wonder which one would speak first surprisingly it's shocker  "  your Connor " he says

I resist the urge to roll my eyes who else could I be  " yeah " I replied  October smiled  " oh goddess what happened to you " October say in her high pitched voice I frowned did she see my baby pictures our something  " you had so much potential to be a hero " she says I smiled oh that that's what she's talking about  I guess I kinda did I always wanted to be a hero but a villain was never on my bucket list  i guess I sorta got their  " I don't know honestly  " I say truthfully    " Connor you have to ask yourself what you want"  said neutral he said as if that was as easy I picking a wind current for flying your kite a image or video is on the screen of the day George came to our school I watched as I ran towards George my brother crawling to me on his bloody knees at this point I realized I can't save him at that pace

So I jumped and teleport it looked awesome from my perspective then I end up in front of George's I let him have it I opened my eyes big beams coming out I looked down I wanted to kill him that day but I didn't I would never do that but what he did to that other kid wasn't right I hope he stay far away from Alexandra I  just couldn't get rid of the bandit no matter how hard I tried to it always stayed with me I didn't know what to pick  it honestly was driving me apart into different pieces then I remembered what my mom said if I continue down the villain road I'm pretty sure I won't like the monster I'll become

"  I don't want to be a villain " I say knowing apart of me is dying inside  I say "  but it's not like I can choose only my actions can I
don't want to just become a hero I want you to see if I can judge me not just make me one because I can't just say yes because I can't promise anything "   I finished the all sat there like I just spoke in a different language that they couldn't understand then I feel a hand on my shoulder I turn around   it's not Sam it's dad
His eyes looked red and puffy I guess this whole mom thing is getting to him " dad " I say questionably  how did he get in here Sam rolled his eyes like I'm blind  reading my mind again huh I really wish he would stop doing that   "  I think we'll do that "  my dad says all the hero's clap I wonder if he's There leader probably I think Sam started to escort me out

Then I hear a loud boom it rattled the walls it must be in the building whatever it was my dad frowned  "  Sam do you mind  " my dad says annoyed maybe a low villain was attempting to break in my heart told my otherwise I knew who it was Sam would probably kill her I don't really trust hero's anymore no offense I could just teleport down but then he could still get down the elevator in time to reach her the answer was obvious I teleport into the elevator  " Connor what do you think your doing " Sam yelled I grinned  " magicians never reveal their secrets  "  I say as if  that explains my behavior I press a button the doors closed

I don't stop at the floor that would lead me to mom no I go to Alexandra's floor and I get her out of Sam's room first I can't get Braxton because he's asleep on the couch  " bandit your a real dumb idiot " she says and yes we were both in are super costumes  " but it's my mom  " I say  she shakes her head  "  but your not qualified " she argued we arrived on the last floor we were running down the steps I was out of breath now I can see her in her outfit I can't take it not really I keep seeing my mom my nice caring mom I can't get over the fact that she's reverted back to this

It tears me up inside she spins around she was earlier looking at the golden statues she sees me and of course Alex  " Connor " she screamed running over to me her mask is off dang why was this so hard I wanted to cry but the anger took over she did this to me  " mom " I say uncertain  " why are hanging around with heroes " she says I noticed something I haven't noticed before she's gone off the edge I realized all that time I lived with her she was a overprotective mother but all the recent events has took away her sanity  I want to mention Braxton is here to but before I can she shoots at Alex she of course dodged it with her super speed but I wasn't so lucky a large icicle hits me in the stomach

My own mother hurt me more than the pain in my chest was the mental pain I didn't know what to do " I want my mother back " I say tears in my eyes as I removed the icicle that had been logged in my stomach thankfully it didn't hit nowhere vital  " who are you right now you just attacked me "  I screamed trying to break her facade Alexandra was stand on the sidelines giving me a pitiful glance   my mom looked down her resolve was fading  " Connor I'm trying to beat the drug I ....  " she says I tapped my bracelet so she could see my face what drug I opened my arms " it's ok mom " I say looking down she hugged me  " oh my baby I'm sorry"  she said practically on the verge of tears  she backed away

" help me " is all she said 

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