Chapter 9

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Joshs POV

"Josh" her voice cracks from behind me and I stop. My heart hurt from the pain I was causing her. I almost turned around. But then I remembered Zay.

I kept walking and mass it to the door.

"Please don't leave me" she says desperately. I pick up my pace and make my way out of the room and over to Cory.

"Everything okay?" He asks

"No" I shake my head

"Want to talk-"

"No I'm fine" I say

"Riley!" Zay runs out of the room.

"Zay what's wrong? You look like you've see a ghost" Riley laughs.

"It's Maya. She's on the ground sobbing saying 'you promised' I-i don't know what to do" he says

My heart lurches.

I did promised her. I promised I'd never leave her. I'm such a horrible boyfriend.

Riley rushes into the room and Lucas follows. Zay marches up to me.

"Listen here, that girl in there is on the floor sobbing because of you. And that's not okay with me! She is like a little sister to me and won't let anyone hurt her. Even if it's someone three years older than me." Zay shoves me. I don't even flinch.

'She is like a little sister to me.'

Those words rang through my head. What have I done? Maya said they were just friends, I didn't believe her. How could I think that poorly of Maya. How could I think she'd cheat on me.

Before I can think about what I'm doing my feet are taking me back into the classroom. I'm met with Riley holding Maya close to her and Lucas crouching in front of Maya rubbing her back.

"Can I talk to her?" I ask

Lucas shoots up and stalks over to me.

"Lucas no." Riley warns

"You have five minutes Josh." She says before taking lucas and leaving.

I walk over to Maya who was still on the floor, not looking at me. I slowly sit down next to her.

"Maya listen. I really screwed up. I know that. I don't know what I was thinking. I was just so damn jealous you were wearing his clothes and not mine that it made me angry. I was also scared, scared that I was going to loose you to him. Like I said, I like you so much that it scares me. So the thought of losing you scares me even more. I wouldn't know what to do with myself. You make me the happiest I've ever been and I just want to always be around you. I like your smile, and your laugh and god your giggle drives me insane. When you giggle I just want to grab you and kiss you. I like the way your hair falls around your face and no matter how you style it, I always think you're stunning. I like that when your nervous you play with your hair, or rock back and forth on the heels of your feet. I like that even though you've been through so much pain that you still continue to smile, and be happy. You have so much love in you that it amazes me. I like the ways your eyes light up when you see me. And when I catch you looking at me you quickly look away and blush. I like it when you blush. It makes me want to make you blush anymore because you look adorable. You don't know what to do with yourself and it's the cutest thing in the world. I just like you so much and like everything you do, I don't want to lose you any time soon or at all. I want you to always be in my life to make me feel this way. I know you may not be ready to say you love me too. But I just need you to know that you have me under this spell almost. I would do anything for you if you asked. Please Maya, I would never hurt you intentionally. Please forgive me" I beg her.

She begins to cry again and I feel terrible.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to make you cry. God I'm making this worse aren't I?" I ramble.

She pulls me into a hug and sits on my lap which takes me by surprise.

"No Josh these are happy tears. What you just said is the most amazing thing anyone has ever said to me. It means so much to me that you notice that stuff about me." She tells me pulling away so I can see her face.

"You mean the world to me. Of course I notice these things." I shrug

"You make me the happiest over ever been Josh. When we weren't together for those couple months drove me insane and I didn't know why. I finally figured it out," she smiles

"Why?" I ask her

"I like you a lot too" My heart skips a beat. "I like that you just want to make your sibling proud of you. And that you make time to play with Auggie, because you know how much he loves you and looks up to you. I like how you can just smile at me and it gives me butterflies. I like the way you want to see Riley and I grow, but you don't want us to grow up. You want us to stay as young as possible. I like when you get frustrated when I tease you about not missing you. I like how you get jealous over other guys because it shows me how much you care. I like you," she smiles at me.

I grab her face and pull her lips to mine. Her hands instantly go behind my neck. She pulls away and giggles, but then stops.

"Sorry, I know how much that drives you insane." She smirks.

"But it's adorable," I tell her and kiss her nose.

"Did you guys make up or do I have to go get Lucas to go all Texas?" Riley walks in and asks

"Yes we made up," Maya smiles at her best friend

"Good I'm glad my peaches is happy,"

"Riles! You eavesdropped?!" Mayas mouth drops.

"I had to make sure you were okay!" Riley defends. "Josh i didn't know you were that sentimental"

She winks at us and I groan.

"Riley as much as we love you, please go away." Maya smiles at her.

"But I need to know what to find next!"

Maya throws her the list for the scavenger hunt.

Riley blows Maya a kiss before leaving.

Maya turns back around towards me and smiles real big.

"Best girlfriend ever" I say as I kiss her nose.

Cuteeeeeee I didn't proof read so sorry for mistakes!

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