Chapter 13

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There was a knock at Mayas door, she rubbed the tears off her face and went to go answer the door. She opened the front door and was face to face with her dad.

"Dad?" Maya choked out.

"I'm sorry I don't know what I'm doing here Maya," he sighed

"Moms not here" I mumbled

"Oh" he says "I was going to return this"

He holds up the letter Maya wrote to him last year.


"I figured it would be best if you held onto it. So you when you're having a tough time you can remember you have handled things way worse," he explains handing Maya the letter.

"Daddy!" A little girl runs up to him. Up to Mayas Dad.

He lifted her up and shot Maya an apologetic look.

"Hey baby girl" he cooed

Maya wanting to break out in tears at that.

That was her nickname. He use to call her that.

"I told you to wait in the car lily"

"I wanted to stay with daddy," she pouts.

Kermit puts the little girl down and tells her to go wait in the car.

"You have a daughter" Maya starts

"Yeah Lilian, well lily."

"How old is she?"


"The same age I was when you left me,"

"Maya I'm sorry, I wasn't ready for you."

"But you're ready for her! How do you do it? How do you look at your new family everyday and not feel guilty not think of the old family you left behind. How can you looks at that little girl and call her baby girl. Call her my old nickname and not think of me?" Maya was holding back her tears

Today was officially the worst day ever.

"I'm better now Maya. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and your mom and the situation I left you two in."

"Doesn't matter anymore, she's happy now. I'm happy now. She's getting married to someone who will actually be a father to me. Because we both know you weren't "ready" for that with me" Maya spits

"I'm glad you're happy Maya. This man is the luckiest guy in the world. I will leave now. I'm sorry," he said before walking away.

Maya closed the door and slid down it, letter her tears fall. All she wanted was Josh, for him to hold her and tell her everything was going to be okay.

Maya grabbed her phone and began the walk to Rileys.

Please be there. Please be there.

Maya was disappointed to find that he wasn't at Rileys. That were he should be, he's suppose to be watching Riley, Auggie and I.

Maya thought of the next place he could be. His dorm room.

Maya walked all the way to NYU, with puffy eyes and mascara running down her face.

She made it to Joshs door and stopped herself.

Was this the right thing? He hates her.

She didn't care, she needed him right now. She gently knocked on the door and waited. Sniffling a couple times before hearing shuffling from the other side.

Josh was laying in bed completely regretting what he just did. He knew Maya hated Missy, he was angry at Maya, and at himself. He wasn't thinking straight.

"Well this was fun," missy said

"I made a huge mistake, this wasn't okay" Josh told her

"I know. I know. Don't let Maya know," missy rolled her eyes

"Wait how do you know about Maya?" I ask

"I saw you two fighting, I figured this would be a good way to get back at her" missy said putting her lipstick on in the mirror.

"What?" Josh snaps angrily

"I wasn't going to let her call me out in the front of her class and not get back at her," missy rolled her eyes.

"Missy Maya-"

"Cannot know about this. I get it. You're in love with her" she sounded bored

There was a knock at the door and the both froze.

Josh put on his sweatpants and walked to the door telling missy to slip out the back window.

Josh opened the door and his heart sunk.

"Maya?" He asked

She looked so broken. Her eyes were red and puffy and she had mascara running down her face. She looked pale.

"Josh" her voice cracked.

Josh didn't waste a second pulling her into a hug. She wrapped her little arms around his waist and buried her head in his chest.

"Shhhhh" he told her as she cried. "Baby what's wrong?"

Josh internally slapped himself for calling her baby. He was just so use to it.

"M-my dad" Maya cried "he came back a-and he has a little girl. She the same age as I was when he left me"

Joshs strong arms enveloped her. One arm was rubbing her back and the other was around her neck holding her close.

"He called her baby girl, that was my nickname! And he calls his new daughter it now" she cried harder.

Josh felt guiltier than ever now. While he was hooking up with some slut Maya faced her dad. The one that made her broken in the first place.

In the other room missy peeked in and saw the pair. She didn't know what they were saying but she could see how much they loved each other. As much as missy wanted to rub it in Mayas face she slept with Josh, she decided she wouldn't say anything. She knew about Mayas dad leaving and how much that upset her. She didn't want her to go through the pain of having someone else she loves leave too. She didn't want her to go through everything Missy has been through.

Missy did as told and slipped through the back window. She walked down the street and for the first time in her life she felt the good in her for putting someone else happiness in front of hers.

Maya cried to a shirtless Josh for awhile. He eventually moved them to his couch so she could lay down on top  of him and tell him everything.

When silence washed over the both of them they weren't sure what to do. Both of them didn't want to let go of the other. They wanted to stay like this forever.

"I'm sorry about what I said earlier Josh, I wasn't thinking. I've been stressed recently and I took it out on you" she traced circles on his chest.

"Maya I have to tell you something," Josh swallowed. The guilt was eating up at him. He had to tell her even if it meant losing her.

Maya sat up, now sitting on his lap as he sat up.

Maya started playing with his hands as she began.

"What I'm about to tell you, well it's going to get you upset with me. I Just want to be honest with you from now on. I know what I'm about to say may risk loosing you but I don't want to lie to you,"

"Josh spit it out," Maya said

"I slept with Missy,"

Yoooooo I got you guys your next update since so many of you requested it! I hope you enjoyed! Please leave comment! I love hearing your opinions on the chapters!


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