Chapter One

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The sides of the paper crumples as Seong Im scrunched it tightly between her fingers. She shut her eyes for a few seconds to calm herself before opening them.

"Cheon Seong Im ssi, you're next." the secretary stood up from her desk and said.

Seong Im took a deep breath and walked towards the secretary's desk. She handed the application form over to the secretary and followed behind her. She tidied her attire, dusting off the loose thread sticking onto her pants as the secretary knocked on the door and awaits for the permission to enter.

Once granted, the secretary pushed the door open and placed the application form on the chairman's table before leaving the room.

"Have a seat," the chairman said with his face covered entirely by the file that he was browsing through. She sat down on the black chair opposite him and rest her arms on the table with her hands clasped together. Her heart was beating really fast and her eyes darted around the surrounding. She nervously licked her lips, anticipating for him to say something but a few minutes has passed and there was no word emerging from him. Should I greet first or should I wait? She was panicking inside.

He finally put down the file and looked at her. With a skeptic look on his face, he threw a question at her. "Why didn't you finish your studies in university? Your results were quite good." he asked.

She sat up straight instantly when she heard him speak. "There were some family matters to handle and due to financial issues, I wasn't able to complete my studies." She answered. The chairman nodded and continue to look through the folder.

"Looking through your resume, I see a lot of potential in you and if you're willing to, our company is able to provide the opportunity for you to upgrade your skills."

Seong Im's face light up in delight. "Does that mean I'm hired?" she asked.

"You've got the height and the looks. You're confident as well. I don't see why I shouldn't hire you but there's one condition. Long sleeves aren't allowed for this job." He said with his eyes fixed on her attire.

"All our air stewardesses are required to wear the uniform that comprises of a knee-length skirt and short sleeve blouse. If you are able to accept this condition then welcome aboard."

Seong Im glanced down at her arms covered by the sleeves of her blue shirt. She rest her hand on her wrist with her thumb moving back and forth against the sleeve.

"Is there a problem?" he studied her troubled face and asked.

"The truth is, I can't wear short sleeves because.." her voice trailed off and she slowly rolled up her sleeve on her left arm and showed him the scars. They were all in different lengths. He was taken aback and let out a soft gasp at the unsightly sight.

"I'm sorry. Unfortunately, I can't hire you." he said it almost immediately.

Seong Im rolled down her sleeve and pursed her lips. She already knew what the outcome will be like. She looked at him and managed a smile before standing up to thank him for his time and left the room. She took a bus and alighted at the stop right outside Geno café. She made her way inside and entered the pantry.

"Noona! Why are you here? Didn't you went for the interview?" Kwang Soo asked the moment he saw her walking in.

"I blew it." she replied.

Kwang Soo stared at her. "What do you mean? Did you say something wrong?"

"No, I didn't. The scars were to be blamed. Guess I'll be working here for the rest of my life." She sighed and put on the apron and cap.

"It's not that bad working in here." Kwang Soo remarked. Seong Im shook her head and went to clear the empty cups on the table. She placed them inside the sink and turned on the tap.

"Anyway.. aren't you curious about the scars?" Kwang Soo questioned.

Seong Im never knew where she get them from. All she remember was finding herself lying in the hospital bed one morning, with her head bandaged and an oxygen mask over her face. She shrugged her shoulders at his question. "Even if I am, no one knows. All I know is that, I'm stuck with it for the rest of my life."

"Someone does.." he mumbled.

She turned off the tap and wiped her hands dry with the cloth hanging above the sink. "Did you say something?" she turned to look at him.

Kwang Soo shook his head and replied, "nothing."

The bell trinkled as the door opens. Both of them turned around to greet the customer. A surprised look followed by a smile flashed across Seong Im's face. "Oh, it's you." she said.

"You reme- I mean, you know him?" Kwang Soo looked at Hee Gun and then at Seong Im.

She nodded and replied, "we met a few weeks ago."

"What would you like to have?" she asked.

Hee Gun scanned the menu board on the wall and ordered a cup of iced caramel macchiato. He was aware that Kwang Soo was looking at him. "It's getting uncomfortable with you staring at me like a hawk." Hee Gun said to him while Seong Im was busy preparing his order.

Kwang Soo's mouth parted slightly as his eyes wandered slowly over Hee Gun's face. "Why are you here?" he whispered. Curious and surprised at the same time to see him. He wondered if he had changed his mind and planned on telling him what he knows.

"Just to get coffee." he replied.

"I thought-"

"Here's your coffee!" Seong Im slid the drink on the counter towards him.

"Thanks." Hee Gun took the drink and sat down at one of the table.

"What were you guys whispering about? You know him?" Seong Im asked with her eyebrows raised.

"No, I..I don't." he stuttered. She sensed that there was something suspicious but couldn't see what. She continued to look at Kwang Soo with her arms crossed in front of her chest.
"Noona, I really don't know him!" Kwang Soo said after noticing the look on her face.

Hee Gun was observing them as he sipped his coffee. Getting coffee was just an excuse. He wanted to see her, never mind that she don't remember him. Seeing her in a happy state, he felt relief although he wasn't sure why.

While he was observing them, unknown to him, someone was outside watching him as well.


Author's note:

Started on the sequel to Pursuit of Fate! Please continue to support and vote and comment as well! Much loves to each and everyone of you! 😊

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