Chapter Seven

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Hee Gun and the other workers were given two off days since the boss had to settle some matters overseas. He made a trip down to Geno cafe in the hope of being able to see Seong Im and perhaps, have a cup of coffee as well.

Now that he is no longer in the organization, he is enjoying the newfound freedom that he is currently having and most importantly, to be pursuing what he wants.

He pushed open the cafe door and walked in. Only Kwang Soo and another lady, Eun Ri, that he has never seen before were standing behind the counter.

"Welcome! What would you like to have?" Eun Ri asked with a wide smile across her face.

"Iced caramel macchiato with additional sugar syrup." he replied.

"That would be six dollars." Hee Gun took out the money from his wallet and handed over to her.

"Where's the other female barista?" he moved forward to the collection point and asked.

Eun Ri raised her eyebrows and looked at him. "Are you talking about Seong Im unnie?" She asked and received a nod from Hee Gun.

"She took a sick leave." Kwang Soo said before Eun Ri could even answer.

Kwang Soo told Eun Ri to move to the side. He slid the drink across the counter to Hee Gun but wouldn't let it go even when Hee Gun stretched his hand out to take it.

Kwang Soo leaned forward and bent down till his head reaches Hee Gun's eyes level. "Do you know that someone confessed to Seong Im noona?" Kwang Soo whispered.

With his usual stoic expression, Hee Gun stared at him without answering. He just want his god damn coffee. "Why aren't you reacting?" Kwang Soo looked at him. His no-reply was making him feel like he just made a fool out of himself.

"Cause I don't think we're that close to be discussing about this." With a strong tug, he took the coffee from Kwang Soo's hand. "And.. I was the one who confessed."  he continued, looking into Kwang Soo's eyes. Shocked was evident in them.

"Thanks for the coffee," Hee Gun gestured to Eun Ri before leaving the place.

"Did you hear that? He just said thanks! He looked so cool!" Eun Ri squealed. She was totally smitten by him. Kwang Soo turned to look at her and placed his hand over her eyes. "Stop looking and get back to work." he said.

Eun Ri sneered at him and did a punching action towards him the moment he turned his back to her.


Sipping the cup of iced coffee, Hee Gun stopped outside a 24 hour pharmacy. A 'no drinking and eating' sign was pasted on the glass door. He removed the plastic cup lid and gulped down the remaining coffee - half of it - in one shot before throwing the cup away. Instant brain-freeze. He shut his eyes tightly at the tingling sensation that he felt in his head which lasted for about three seconds.

He slapped the back of his head to relieve the sensation and entered the pharmacy. Going straight to the healthcare section, he grabbed one box each of paracetamol and flu tablet, and a small bottle of cough syrup. Does she need this? He took the box of cooling pad from the shelf and stared at it in his hand. He was contemplating whether to get it. After considering for a few seconds, he took it along with the other boxes of medicine and headed to the counter for payment.

He left the pharmacy and came across a roadside food stall selling skewered fish cakes. He stopped and looked inside. Glancing over at the clock hanging by the side. It was already noon.

Unsure if she has eaten, he decided to get some food for her as well. "By any chance, do you sell soups here?" Hee Gun asked.

"Yes, chicken soup. " The middle-aged lady with short permed hair answered. She opened the lid of the pot and the rich aroma of chicken broth wafted towards him.

"Please give me one, takeaway." She scooped out the hot broth along with some meat into the plastic container and packed some rice into a separate bag. Hee Gun handed the money over and took the bag of food from the lady.

He looked down at the two plastic bags in his hand and slowly made his way to Seong Im's house. He was just a stone's throw away from her house when he spotted her walking out of the front gate. The weather was pretty warm but she was still dressed in a sweatshirt and long pants. He continued to watch her as she staggered along the sidewalk. It was not long before her legs finally gave way and she stumbled against the concrete wall. Hee Gun rushed over to support her to prevent her from falling. The plastic bags that were hooked on his fingers swayed back and forth. She held his arm with the little energy that she had and lifted her head to look at him.

"Hee Gun ssi..?" She blinked a few times before her vision finally became clear again.

"I'll send you back to your house. Are you able to walk?" he asked. Seong Im nodded and with Hee Gun supporting her, they slowly return to her house.

He settled her down on the chair and poured a cup of water for her.

"I should be the one serving you water." she said weakly and attempted to get up but he stopped her.

"Where were you trying to go? You shouldn't be walking around when you're sick."

"The mart.. To get some food." she replied and broke out into a fit of coughing.

"Food from the mart, ramyeon? You still plan on eating that when you're sick?" He looked at her in disbelief. He went inside the kitchen and emptied the bag of rice into a bowl.

"Eat this," he placed the bowl of rice in front of her and removed the lid of the plastic container.

"What is this?"

"Chicken soup. I bought it from somewhere nearby." He replied.

"And once you're done eating, take these as well." He took out the medicine from the bag and placed it on the table.

Seong Im picked up the box of paracetamol and looked at him. "You went to get all these for me? How did you know that I'm sick?" She asked with a raspy voice.

"The tall, lanky guy at the cafe told me."

"You mean Kwang Soo?"

"I guessed that's his name. Stop talking and eat up." He said to her.

She lifted the spoon off the table and tasted a spoonful of the soup. The warmth from the chicken soup was comforting to the soul. Once she was done with her meal, Hee Gun popped out two paracetamol tablets from the aluminium blister packaging into her hand and make sure that she swallows them. He also make sure that she took the cough syrup as well.

Holding on to the edge of table, she stood up and walked back to her room. Hee Gun was worried. He wanted to help her back in but she rejected. He followed behind her and watched as she pressed her palm against the wall, moving her hand forward each time she stepped forward.

She lied down on the bed. The drowsiness from the cough syrup seems to be taking effect. Hee Gun took the thermometer on the table and stuck it into her ear to take her temperature. 38.9 degree Celsius. He went out of her room and came back with a cooling pad. He removed the plastic film sticking to the adhesive side of the pad and brushed her hair backwards. Seong Im let out a soft muffled sound as the cooling pad comes into contact with her skin. The sudden coldness was making her feel slightly uncomfortable. She subconsciously raised her arm to take it off but Hee Gun stopped her. He gently brought her arm down back to her side.

"It will go off after awhile." He said softly. He lifted the blanket up to her chest and drew the window blinds down. He was about to leave the room and he heard her mumbling.

"Thank you.. Hee Gun ssi.." She uttered in her sleep.

He turned to look at her and mumbled to himself, "this is the third time that I saved you." He touched the cooling pad on her forehead and stroked her head before leaving the room. 

Author's Note:

Even though I said I'll only publish a new chapter next week, I managed to finish writing this draft and I guess I couldn't wait to share this chapter with you readers so here it is!

Happy reading!  (:

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