Chapter 1: Once Upon A Dream

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"Darling! Wake up, please!"

Darling slowly turned her head from the side and flutter her eyes open up.

She was laying against a burning tree as she felt pain throughout her body and blood going down her face and between her lips.

"Wha..." she said softly as she saw a mysterious man coming up to her in the distance.

He had a red armor suit on that looks rusty with fire burns and bruises with no helmet in sight.

He bends down as he slowly look at Darling's face as she tries to look at him through the pain.

His black hair with red streaks going though was messy with blood running down his face with scars and bruises. What captivated her ablut the man was his sharp and determined eyes.

He looks so devastated as he looked down at her as he grabbing both of her hands to slowly lift her from the tree.

"Come on, Darling. We got to get out of here, the dragon is destroying the school."  said the mysterious man as he looks at her striaght into her eyes to see if she gain consciousness yet.

In the distance, the mysterious man heard screams behind him and his eyes widened once he turned around.

He saw some of his high school classmates running away from the burning school building and a roar coming from it.

"We don't have time, we have to go!" shouted the man at Darling, making him dropped her right hand and start running with her behind still connected with her left.

As they were running, Darling's memory suddenly came back as she took at look at her surroundings. Trees bruning down in fire, the sky being red, dark, and gloomy, and her classmates screaming in the distance trying to escape.

The worst part is when she look behind her right shoulder as she saw her beloved school being burned to the ground by the dragon with their fire.

She didn't know how she got here in the first place but her ambition and determination kicked in. It made her want to pursue what she was made to do in her lifetime: Fight and protect the kingdom as the next generation's greatest knight.

Darling stopped running and pulled her hand away from the mysterious man who she yet know his name. She started running back to her school as she pulled out her sword from behind her back with a determined face.

"Darling! Come back! I can't let you do this!" the mysterious man shouted at her as he started going after her.

"I have to!" shouted Darling responded as she runs up a big rock near the dragon flying. "It's my destiny!"

Darling jumps from the top of the rock and her life starts to feel slowed down as she flies through the air in slow motion. Darling yells in rage as she raises her sword to swing towards the dragon.

As she got closer to the dragon, the dragon swings its tail in defense and hits Darling like a thousand bricks. It caused her to fall back in the air and hit a burning tree, making her conscious.

"No!" the mysterious man yells in distress as he quickly ran over to where she was. She was badly bruised with blood just flooding out of her.

"Darling! I can't...I can't loose you. Darling!" yelled the man in the distance as she slowed closed her eyes, going to the light.


"Darling! Wake up!"

Darling screams in horror as she fell off her bed as her roommate, Rosabella gasped at her sudden action.

"Are you okay?!" Rosabella bends down and grab Darling's hands to slowly get her up.

"Ugh, I will be. Thank you." said Darling as she rubs her head as Rosabella nodded. She told Darling to go ahead and get ready as she makes breakfast for them.

30 minutes later, Darling was dressed and she sat at the little dining table for breakfast.

"How did you sleep? Must of been a nightmare the way you work up today." asked Rosabella curiously as she ate some oatmeal.

"Sorry, I don't know or what that was to be honest. I keep on having these weird dreams lately with this guy and I don't know why." said Darling as cuts her blueberry waffle into smaller pieces.

"Oh my hex, are you serious? Do you have a crush on somebody?!" asked Rosabella excitedly while Darling was drinking her orange juice but suddenly spits it back into her mug once she heard the second part.

"What? Me? Having a crush? That's funny! That will never happened in a million years!" said Darling while laughing and then took a bite of her cut blueberry waffle.

"Never say never. Anything can happen, your dream could become a reality if you keep dreaming it. You said have a dream about a boy lately, so maybe he's right around the corner." explained Rosabella with a huge smile on her face as she put her elbow on the table with her head on her hand looking at Darling with heart eyes.

"Yeah, right. Have you seen this "princes" around here right?" asked Darling with quotations for princes in sarcasm.

"You know I will never fall in love with any of these guys so why would I even need one when I can do anything?!" Darling explained in confidence.


"No. I know you want me to be happy but I am. By myself. So, this is the last conversation I'm going to be taking about it or boys. Okay?" Darling said as she grabs both of Rosabella's hands and look into her eyes with sympathy.

"Okay, Daring. I won't." said Rosabella as she returned a small smile at Darling.

"Okay, good. Now, let's go, I gotta get my books." said Darling as she let go of her roommate's hands and clean up her plates from breakfast and walks out the dorm room with her sword tucked away behind her back.

"We'll see." said Rosabella with a small smirk on her face as she grabbed her phone, clean up from breakfast, and walks out the dorm room.


Darling and Rosabella was walking and talking together in the everlasting halls until they saw Blonde's show,"Just Right" intro playing on one of the hall's MirrorTVs.

To support Blonde, they both stopped in front of it and decided to watch for new updates around Ever After High.

"Hello Fairytales! It's Blonde Locks with a another report on Just Right! Today, a new student is coming here to Ever After! His name is Chase Redford, son of the Red Knight." said Blonde with a smile on her face.

"Chase?" said Darling questioning while saying his name.

"Yes girls! New prince alert!" Blonde squealed in happiness and Darling and Rosabella heard a couple of girl groupies squealing for the new guy.

"Here's a picture of him if you are wondering what he looks like in his suit, girls! "said Blonde while doing a little shimmy with her shoulders with a smirk on her face.

A picture of Chase in his red knight suit with no helmet on popped up next to Blondie and it almost frighted Darling's breakfast out of her stomach as the girl groupies sharted gossiping and going down the halls to find him.

"That's-that's the guy from the dream! No, it can't be!" thought Darling looked at his photo frightened with her eyes widened in surprise.

Darling quickly run to class conflicted, leaving Rosabella shouting out her name but she was gone in the distance.

To be continued...

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