Chapter 10:I Like You

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*Victor: From the book,"The Story Of Us." Read it to understand who he is.

After that day,Chase was walking with a serious face and everyone looked at him when he past them all they way up to Scarlet. "Oh! Hello Chase."said Scarlet and she flipped her hair trying to hypnotized Chase. "Hello Scarlet."said Chase and Scarlet's face went from flirting to normal because Chase wasn't falling for her. "Scarlet...we can't hang out anymore."said Chase and start to walked away."What? But why? We was meant to be together!"said Scarlet going after him. "No,you basically date every guy in Fairytale World. You know why we break up."said Chase. "No."said Scarlet. "Really? Then let me remind you cheated on me for *Victor!"shouted Chase and everyone looked and gasped. "Well,at least I'm lying because you saying that we are not dating but we are!"shouted Scarlet and she everyone gasped again. "Well...well..."said Chase. "See? We was meant to be together."said Scarlet and she walks up to him and starts to smuggle with Chase's left arm and Darling just entered the forever halls and everyone was watching her walking through the hall as she looks at the people looking at her and when she turn her head straight,she stopped and she just stared at Scarlet hugging Chase's left arm while Chase was staring back at Darling. "Darling..."said Chase. "Don't need to explain."said Darling and Chase saw a tear coming down out of Darling's eye and Darling runs back to her bedroom. "Darling!"said Chase and start running but stop and turn around. "By the way...we're done!"said Chase and starts to run again. "Ugh!"said Scarlet and she stomps to class.

In the bedroom,Darling was punching a bean bag to punch her troubles away until she heard a knock on the door and she just ignore it and she heard it again and she ignore it again and after three knocks again,it went away until 10 minutes later,Chase arrived in front of the glass doors of the balcony and knocked again and she ignores it again and she start to swing her sword. "Darling,I know you can hear me."shouted chase though the glass doors and Darling put her sword away and she pulled the dorm door about to go out. "Wait!"shouted Chase and Darling stopped. "Can you at least listen to me?"said Chase and Darling closes the dorm door and walked up to the glass door where Chase was while having her arms crossed. "Had you listen? Leave me ALONE!"shouted Darling. "Please Darling. I know I mess up but-" "Chase,we wasn't dating! It's was only date and you think we was together?!"shouted Darling and she turn away. "I know but there's something you need to know...I like you."said Chase and Darling eyes went wider and she turn around and she had a little bit of her mouth open shocked. "Really?"said Darling and Chase nodded. "Um...I never had a guy like me before. I mean,I always thought they think I was too...not like a preppy princess."said Darling as she puts some of her hair behind her ear. "Well,now you had someone who likes you."said Chase and Darling smile and she opened the glass door and she hugged Chase. "I like this."said Darling. "Me too."said Chase and they stopped hugged and start to looked into each other's eyes and then they start to lean in and then kiss. 20 seconds later,they separated. "Darling,do you want to be my-" "I just want to talk it slow,ok?"said Darling. "Okay...we can talk it by one."said Chase as they hugged.

To be continued...

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