Chapter 15:We Don't Talk Anymore

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The next day,Darling wake up in one of the lost boys bed and she got up and she grabbed her phone and she sent on text conversation with Chase and thought she was too mean and decided to text and she text and read her message to Chase and then looked over at the "Send" button. She was about to push it but she refused and decided her text message and then got up and got ready.

In the middle of the forest,Chase was walking and he saw the the three periods was gone on his text conversation with Darling as he sighed and continued walking until someone screamed. "Oh no,that must be Darling!"said Chase and he starts running though the forest,even though they are mad at each other,he still cares about Darling not being hurt and then he arrived at a village.

"What is this?"said Chase as he looks around and when he faced straight,he jumped because a girl came out of nowhere. "Welcome to the Indian Camp,I hope you really hungry because we got fish,chicken,fruit,and clothing. Do you need anything?said the girl. "Yes,what was that screaming?"asked Chase. "Oh,that's our wakeup call."said the girl and Indians start to come out oh of their grass tents and they start to make breakfast. "Can I had some?"asked Chase. "Sure,come with me."said the girl and Chase followedher to the table. "By the way,I didn'tget your name."said Chase. "Oh,it's Sharia."said Sharia. "That's a beautiful name."said Chase and she blushed. "Hey!"said a boy and he lifted Chase up in the air and Chase was scared. "Hey! That's my girl right there. Back off!"said the boy and he dropped Chase and he crashed to the ground. "You had a good boyfriend."said Chase to Sharia and then he fainted.

All day,Darling was trying to find clues to find Scarlett and her ship until before the sunset goes down,Darling hear music and she and Herowing follow it and they arrived at the Indian Camp and Darling gasped when she saw Chase dancing with a another girl.

"Chase?"said Darling and Chase turn around and saw Darling and Herowing with mid-sentence faces. "Darling."said Chase and he walked up to her and then they stared into each other's eyes until Darling got out of it and she slapped Chase on the cheek and everybody stop dancing along with the music as they heard the slap. "What the hex was that for?"asked Chase as he touch the slapped cheek. "So,you decided to ignore the big fight that we had yesterday and dancing with a another girl not even thinking about me at all?"said Darling. "Yes,I mean no! I was thinking about you."said Chase and he grabbed Darling's right hand and Darling pulled it back. "Well,it seems that whole date was nothing."said Darling. "It was! I was in love with you!"shouted Chase. "No,you wasn't! You bascailly a guy who broke girls hearts by cheating!"shouted Darling and the Indian people gasped and Darling turn her back on Chase. "Well...When I met you,I already know that you was my solemate. You are brave,beautiful,kind,powerful and the sword necklace that I give you,it was my ring for you."said Chase and Darling's eyebrows raised. I was going to proposal to you to be my wife but I guess you don't want us to be together forever. I love you,Darling. Love you since I met you. Just think about it."said Chase and then he purposely dropped the sword necklace and he walked away leaving Darling alone and she turn around and she walked to the necklace and she got to her knees to picked up her necklace and she started to cry and then flipped over to the back of the sword that said:

Belongs To:
The Knight Princess,
The princess that is a moonlight at night

Darling cry as the sunset comes down thinking what Chase said to her.

To be continued...

YASSSS! Two chapters updates on one day is awesome for the readers is it? Anyway,there's two chapter updates because this book reach 900 reads from August 29 to now. That's amazing because this book reaches 900 reads in one month. The reads are faster than "Love Never Ends" I am still surprised and shocked. I hope you like it and I can't wait to see this book at 1k soon. Okay,bye! -nmcglothin12

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