Chapter 2: At Last

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"Class dismissed!"

Students started breaking from their seats as they either started talking about the past weekend in their seats with friends in different spots in the classroom or others quickly get out the classroom with their books.

Darling walked out the classroom with an conflicted face as she was still thinking about the same man from the her last night's dream appearing on today's Blonde's show.

What does it mean? Has she seen him before that she completely discarded like a stranger but he has a deeper place in her life? Was it all just a coincidence? No, it can't be. He has the same exact outfit, hair, and face. That's no coincidence at all. It's like he jumped out out of my imagination. Oh my hex, is Rosabella right for what she said in the morning? Is it really being a reality if i keep on dreaming about the same guy?! Ugh, this is so confusing and complicated! I wish I wasn't going through this!

Daring started to get deeper into her thoughts as she was walking to her locker until somebody picked her up behind and started spinning her around in the ahir with their arms around her waist, making her dropped her books and her feet swinging around.

"Daring! Stop!" said Darling, immediately knowing who it was with his cologue as she giggles as she hold on to Daring's arms so she doesn't fall.

Daring put her down with a smile while Dexter walked up to them.

"Daring, you know she hates when you do that." said Dexter as he looks at Daring with a small smile as he puts his hands on his hips.

"Please little prince. She giggled, so she's fine with it." said Daring as he looked at himself in his hand mirror as he fixed his hair from picking up Darling.

"Yeah, yeah. What are you so excited about that got me spinning around the hall?" asked Darling as Dexter handed her books where he picked up from the floor.

"Well, I just passed the yearly prince test so I can lot of damsels in distress someday, like you." said Daring with a big smile on his face and Darling quickly pulled a mad glare at Daring. Dexter widen his eyes at what his brother just say that in front of her.

Darling hates when people put in her the dependent category and I guess her big prince didn't get the message yet.

"Daring." Darling says with an angry expression on her face as she glares down at him, making him Daring almost dropped his hand mirror.

"Darling, I-I meant to say is-hey! It's my new friend coming this way. Darling, Dex, let me introduced them!" said Daring with a nervous laugh until with with a fake smile to avoid Darling as he walks pass her to catch his new friend.

"What's up, new knight!" said Daring and his new friend did a handshake they just made a hour ago as Darling made a small growl at her brother.

Darling turned around with an mean glare until it changed into a shocked expression when she saw her bother's new friend in front of her.

"Oh my god! It's him!" Darling says as she looked up at Chases's eyes with a conflicting face and she felt her heart skipped a beat for a second. Wait! What...was...that?!

"Darling, Dexter, I'll like you to meet Chase Redford, son of the Red Knight. Chase, these are my siblings." Daring intoduced him to his siblings.

"What's up, Dex." said Chase as he handshakes Dexter as he returns it with a smile.

"Darling, it's so nice to finally meet you at last." Chase says with a grin as he reach out his hand to her. At last? At last?!

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