Chapter 7:Enemies

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Next day,Darling was walking though the forever halls until Blonde came up to her. "Hi Darling. Is it true that you and Chase is dating? It it true that Scarlet used to date Chase? Tell up the gossip!"said Blonde as Dexter records with the mirrorpad. "Blonde,not now."said Darling and she covered the camera with her hand and walked away. "But,I need answers for my mirrorcast!"Blonde whined. "And don't want to answer them."said Darling and then she saw Scarlet talking to some people and Darling run up to her. "Scarlet!"shouted Darling and Scarlet turn around. "Hi Darling."said Scarlet with her arms crossed. "So,since you and Chase are good friends,I thought if you want to hang out?"asked Darling. "Sure,I got the perfect place."said Scarlet and Scarlet and Darling walked out of the school.

Nowhere,Scarlet and Darling was walking. "Darling,cover her eyes because it going to be really big."said Scarlet and then Darling cover her eyes. "Now opened."said Scarlet and then walked away. "Finally,when she's gone,I will had Chase all for myself."said Scarlet and walked back to the school. Darling move her hands out of her eyes and she saw black. Black all around. "Scarlet,this is not funny."said Darling and then she heard someone moved and the Darling quickly got out her sword. "Come out! I'm not scared!"shouted Darling and then someone came behind her and Darling can feel someone is breathing on her. "you had to be kidding me."said Darling and then she turn around,make a little light and then she gasped.

Back in Ever After High,Scarlet was walking until Chase ran up to her. "Scarlet,had you seen Darling? I hadn't see her anywhere."said Chase. "Guys,did you see Darling? We can't find her anywhere."said Dexter and Daring and Dexter run up to them. "No,I thought she was with you."said Chase. "We thought she was with you."said Daring. "This is royalty bad."said Dexter and then Scarlet looked down. "Scarlet,what did you do?"asked Chase. "Nothing."Scarlet lied. "Scarlet,please don't tell me..."said Chase and then Scarlet closes her eyes. "I know where she is."said Chase and he starts running. "Okay."said Dexter and Daring and Dexter followed him. "I think they are too late."said Scarlet and she evil grin and walked to class.

30 minutes later,Chase,Dexter,and Daring arrived in front of a big cave. "Darling! Can you hear me?"shouted Chase and then Darling came out shining with her sword,shied,and her amor shine while her hair blows in the wind and then she pulled something from behind and it was ogre's head and Chase,Dexter and and Daring screamed and jumped. "Wow,you act like babies."said Darling and she dropped the head and start to walk slowly past the boys like she was hero. "Wow. She's...amazing."thought Chase as he smiled at her while she walked past him. "Darling?"said Chase. "Yes?"said Darling and she turn around while her hair was blowing in the wind. "That's was..."said Chase. "I know."said Darling and she walked up to him. "So...what to date again?"asked Chase and then Darling pushed Chase to the ground. "Nice try,loverboy."said Darling and she starts to walked back to the school. "So,that's a no?"asked Chase after he got up."Yes because I'm am not dating when your ex is around trying to make me gone to just be with you again."said Darling. "But,I know that you want to date me again."said Chase. "Shut up!"said Darling and then she pushed him again and then she giggles. "Pick you up at 7:30?"asked Chase. "It's a date."said Darling and they smiled.

To be continued...

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