Chapter 21:The Enchanting Weeding

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4 years of college later,Darling and Chase had been together since the day Darling reopened her eyes by the true loving knight,Chase. It was the day of their wedding and Darling was nervous.

"Rosabella,I'm nervous about what's will happened to me and Chase. What if he don't loves me no more? What if I made the wrong decision? What if-" "Darling! Come down. Okay,listen to me. Do you love Chase?"asked Rosabella as she was helping Darling putting on the wedding dress on Darling. "Yes."said Darling and she turn around and put her hands on the wall. "Does he care about caring for you even know you will be fine?"asked Rosabella and she pulls the sting for the waistline and tied it."Yes."said Darling and she turn around and put her hands up. "Does your heart knows that you want to be with him forever?"asked Rosabella as she put on the wedding dress on Darling and Darling had a numb face on and as she look down and then right after she had her wedding dress,an looked up and her eyes opened wide and she thought about what her and Chase went though together and then a bad memory came and she saw what Chase said to her and then tears start to come down and she start to run away in her wedding dress. "Darling! Wait!"shouted Rosabella and she ran after her.

Darling ran out of the her parents castle in the weddinh dress that was tear at the bottom and become a short dress with no shoes on and run all the way to her secret garden th at she found when she was 10 years old and she sit down on a field of flowers and she lay there looking at the tree above her as she heard the voice of Rosabella calling her name an she fell asleep.

A few minutes later,Darling wake up still in her field of flowers and she looked though the bush and instead of Rosabella,she saw Chase calling her name and she stopped looking at Chase and she climbed up a tree and she saw Chase looking for her. "Chase?"said Darling softly and he tpun around and g looked up and he saw Darling in her ripped-up wedding dress with ho shoes sitting on the dress with her back on the trunk of the tree. "Darling,what's going on?"asked Chase and Darling kumord down for the tree and landed in Chase's arms and they walked to a bench to sit down. "I'm just unsure if I want to marry you or not."said Darling and Chase looked away and stared down at his legs and then turn back to face Darling. "Well,it's okay to canceled the wedding and date more."said Chase. "No,that's not necessarily."said Darling. "Then,why are you unsure?"asked Chase. "I don't know,It just half of me wants to marry you but the other half doesn't."said Darling. "Well,the only thing I can tell you is that listen to your heart. Is your heart ready to marry me?"asked Chase and Darling put her hand over her heart and she touch it and she heard her heart beating sturdy. A moment later,she looked up at Chase and she smiled and then he smiled too and they got up,grabbed hands and walked back to Darling parent's castle.

In the castle,everyone was wondering where the bride and groom was and when Darling and Chase entered the castle holding hands,everyone turn around and gasped as they saw Darling's ripped dress with no shoes as they walked down to the mister and Darling grabbed the flowers from Rosabella that she was holding.

A few minutes later,the mister said:"Will you Chase Redford,take Darling Charming as your wife for as long as you live?" "I do."said Chase with a smile and the mister turn to Darling. "Will you Darling Charming,take Chase as your husband for as long as you live?"asked the mister. "I...I..."said Darling and she turn to Chase and then turn to see people trying to hold the pause like they was about to fall off of a chuff and she turn back. "I...I...I do."said Darling as Chase turned and give Darling a smile which made her smile and they put on each other's rings "Now I pronounce you as husband and wife. You made kiss the bride."said the mister and Chase and Darling turn around to face each other and then they leaned in and then a passionate kiss which made everyone cheer with excitement and Chase quickly picked up Darling in bridal style and then run out of the castle with everyone following them.

2 hours later,everyone was watching Darling and Chase doing their first dance together as husband and wife. "So,did your heart made the right choice?"asked Chase. "Yeah,it did because you was there to help me."said Darling. "Glad I can help knight princess."said Chase and he lean in until the dancd music start to came on and everyone ran to the dance floor and start to dance and then Darling and Chase was crowded by the crowd and Chase pulled Darling's hand and they walked up to a hill with a tree and they stand there watching the sun goes down while holding hands. "Chase,thank you for realising that i need you in my life."said Darling. "Yeah,my life wouldn't been perfect without you...moonlight."said Chase and they start to lean in as their eyes start to close and when they lips touch,the moon shine like the star as they kiss under the moonlight.

To be continued...

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