Chapter 6:Something Bout' You

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"First love?"Darling asked. "Yeah,when Chase left,I was heartbroken and I decided to surprise him by coming here."said Scarlet. "Well,you totally totally surprise me."said Chase then hugged Scarlet again and saw they hugged Scarlet give Darling the cold shoulder. "Um...I better be going."said Darling as she backs up from Chase and Scarlet hugging. "Darling,do you want to learn a like bit of Scarlet?"asked Chase. "Um...I'm late for class,bye!"said Darling and she run away from Chase and Scarlet. "That's wried,class don't start for a another ten minutes."said Chase as he check the school clock and then looked at Darling running away.

At the top of a hill,Darling was practicing her swinging her sword. "Ugh!"shouted Darling and she put her sword down into the ground making the sword stand. "Why do I feeling something that I never felt before?"ask Darling and then she got did a quick thought of Chase and then blush. "Ahh! I blushing again."said Darling and then she picked up her sword and swing it around until she pointed at sword at her twin brother,Dexter. "Whoa! Be careful with at thing."said Dexter and move the sword away from his face. "Sorry Dex."said Darling and put her sword away. "It's okay. How you doing? I saw the newspaper."said Dexter. "Yeah,I'm just confused."said Darling. "What do you mean?"asked Dexter. "I mean that when me and Chase kissed,I felt a..spark but when his ex came today,I didn't know what was the feeling."said Darling. "It's called jealousy."said Dexter. "What! I'm not jealous! When do I get jealous? I'm fine."said Darling and then she put her head down while making one arm hold her other arm. "Darling,everyone get jealous sometimes because it's natural feeling everyone get."said Dexter and then Darling left her head up and then looked at the school. "Well,if you like they guy,then talk to him."said Dexter and then started to walked down the hill while Darling still looks at the school while the sun while some wind was blowing her hair as she's had a numb face.

To be continued...

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