Chapter 19:Mercy

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Darling was about to be eaten until Chase grabbed her by her waist and they was lefted into the sky on Herowing. "Darling,do not come off and plus we got to go."said Chase. "What?! We can't go."said Darling and she stands up on Herowing. "We can't run and let Scarlet win. We need to fight that dragon before it's going to destroy the world forever. We need to fight and do it for honer."said Darling as her hair was flying into the wind like a true hero. "But Scarlet is dead."said Chase and Darling gave him a glare and she jumped from Herowing to the burning trees and manage the get though the trees while they burn so with her sword. When she saw the dragon,she charge at it and the dragon turn their head and when Darling was close,they pushed her into a burning tree with their arm and she fell in front of the burning tree that she fell in. "Darling!"shouted Chase and he drive Herowing down into the burning forest and saw Darling laying there conscious that her eyes almost close for good. "Darling...."said Chase and he bend down and lefted her head and then her head to face. "Chase?"said Darling quietly. "Yes?"said Chase. "Chase,I like you since I saw you with my brother. You were in my dreams before you came here and all I wanted to say is...I love you and I want you to know that."said Darling and her eyes almost closed. "Darling...please..."said Chase. "Goodbye forever."said Darling and she closes her eyes and Chase look at her hand and he watch it drop and then he got up with his eyes close and he stands where Darling's body lays and then he turn around and reopened his eyes again and then he takes out his sword. "Ugh!"said Chase and the dragon turn around and right before the dragon attack,Chase run up behind the dragon's head and then cut it off with his sword and he jumped from the dragon and the dragon dropped and then disappeared in dust and then it started to rain and Chase didn't care and he walked up to Darling's body and pick it up in bridal style and then he was a little shocked that the whole student body saw him and Daring,Dexter,and Rosabella ran up to him. "Darling?"said Dexter and he touch her hand and it dropped. "It can't be..."said Dexter and then Chase nodded. "What? No! Not Darling! No! I..."said Dexter and then he run and Daring run after him and Chase let down a tear. "Chase..."said Rosabella and Rosabella put a hoodie over Chase's head. "I miss Darling too but we got to back to the school."said Rosabella and everyone start to walked back. "Chase,are you coming?"said Rosabella. "Yeah. Be there in a few."said Chase and Rosabella left and Chase looked at Darling and then he let down a another tear and he lefted her face and even know she was dead,she was still beautiful. He looked down and walked back to the school with Darling's body.

To be continued...

You guys. This made me cry while I was making this but I hope you like it even know this was sad but don't worry,it's is not the end. Bye! -nmcglothin12

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