Chapter 5:New Couple Alert

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Next day,Darling wake up and she goes on her phone to see what's going on on mirrornet and the she gasped when she saw her and Chase kissing by her dorm on the front e-book of "Just Right" with the caption: New Couple Alert! Darling and Chase are dating! #Chasling "Oh no. This is bad. "I knew I shouldn't kissed him. Plus they already had a ship name for us. This is really bad."said Darling and she jumped out of her bed and go to the bathroom.

In the forever halls,Darling was running until she saw Chase and she ran up to him. "Hey Darl-"said Chase and Darling quickly grabbed his hand while running and they run into the janitor's closet. "What's going on?"asked Chase. "They know."said Darling as she peaks out behind the door. "They know what?"asked Chase and Darling slammed the door. "Here,read this."said Darling and she gives her phone to Chase and when Chase read it. "What?! How did this got on the front page?! I never saw nobody when we kiss."said Chase. "Well,there was and I am really freaking out."said Darling. "Why are you freaking out? I want you to be my girlfriend."said Chase and Darling's eyes went as big as sauces. "Wow. Um...Chase,it was only one date and...I barely know you."said Darling. "But you having fun at our date."said Chase. "I was,I just...want to take it slow."said Darling and Chase change from normal to sad. "Okay,I thought we was hitting it off okay."said Chase and then walked out of the janitor's closet. "Chase! Wait!"shouted Darling after she came out of the janitor's closet and saw Chase walking away until he was bring hugged and Darling walked up to them. "Hello."said Darling and the person and Chase jumped. "Oh Darling,this is Scarlet,daughter of The White Knight."said Chase. "Hello."said Scarlet and shake Darling's hand then gave her a glare. " long you guys know each other?"asked Darling after she pulled her hand away from Scarlet. "Oh,I was Chase's first love."said Scarlet and then Darling had a numb face on and then looked up at Chase then looked at Scarlet and Scarlet give Darling a glare again.

To be continued...

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