Chapter 4: Butterflies

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A few days later...

As the sunset was going down across the horizon, Darling was practicing working on her fighting skills with your sword.

She wanted to learn and continue growing her skills since she was a young girl when she was spying on her brothers practicing with each other. She wasn't allowed to join lessons.

She continued doing smooth slices with her sword and kicks to her big punching bag as the soft wind blows on the balcony.

As the soft wind blows through her hair, a memory quickly started playing in her head as she remembers the wind blowing her and Chase back inside from the balcony back into the dorm with her falling on top on him.

She started to blush at the thought but quickly realized what she was doing. She quickly stop blushing and did a double back kick with a swing in the air, making the punch bag fall back to the ground.

Darling landed back on the ground with a fighting stance as she was breathing heavily while holding her sword with both hands gripping tightly as she stares at the punching bag.


Darling quickly turned around with the same fighting stance and serious face, making Rosabella, Holly, Poppy, and Ashlynn quickly hold each other and did a scream in her direction. Meanwhile, Raven didn't show any signs of being scared as she looks back at Darling with a nonchalant smile.

"Oh, sorry. Hey guys." said Darling with a small smile and she quickly put away her sowrd behind her back in her sword sleeve. "What's up?"

"Darling, you know what today is?" asked Ashlynn with a bright smile in excitement for her.

"Um...Friday?" qustioned Darling with her right eyebrow raised at them with confusion.

Raven look at her with a serious face as she stares down at Darling with her arms crossed across her chest in response to her question.

"No, seriously. Tell me." said Darling in confusion as if she doesn't know what today is.

She won't admit it. It still haven't processed in her head yet. It can't be today. It just can't!

"Oh my hex, your date! With Chase! Tonight! You do remember right? He literally asked you out!" explained Rosabella as the five girls across from Darling started to squeal in excitement.

"What date? I don't had a date." said Darling with the fake smile trying to hide her nerves but Raven notices it first.

"You scared, aren't you?" questioned Raven as she looked at her with a small smirk.

"No. I'm never scared. I'm fearless, strong. I'm- oh, just forget about it. I'm nervous and I don't know what to do." said Darling finally admitted as she looks down in disappointment in herself.

"Don't worry, we got you. It's going to be a great first date. I'm sure of it." said Rosabella as she walks over to Darling and gives her a warm smile as she puts her right hand on Darling's left shoulder for confort.

"You know what?" said Darling as she lift her hand back up, making the rest of the girls wait for what she was going to say in hope.

"I'm going to call him and say I'm sick. I don't want to infect him or anyone. That will solve everything." explained Darling with bright smile on her face as the plan was formed perfectly in her head to try to avoid the date.

Holly slapped her right hand to her forehead and shake her head in disappointment.

"You're definitely not sick. We just saw you knock the hex out of that punching bag." said Poppy as she glanced at the punching bag on the ground in this distance.

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