Chapter 20:Truly Love You

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A few days later,Chase hadn't been himself after Darling died. He dye his all black and get a different knight outfit which was all black instead of black and red. He didn't talk to nobody and he was silent ever since. He just sit there wearing a hoodie with his eyes looking at Darling as it lays on her bed with roses around her from other students. He hadn't had sleep in two days and just because of Darling. Ever After Hugh wasn't the same since that day. Everyone wear black and the colors went away but they didn't care about it. There was no happiness or wonder in Ever After High. Rosabella try to talk to Chase but he just ignore her.

Outside in the Enchanted Forest that was now burned,everyone came to the ceremony for Darling and right Headmaster Grimm said his speech and Chase walked to the case where Darling's body lays and Chase took his hand into his pocket and he pulled out the sword necklace and he looked at it and a tear went down and it landed on the sword of the necklace and then Chase put it on and then he kissed Darling's forehead and then he step away from Darling and he closed his eyes with his hands together in front of him. A minute later,he saw a light shining though in his eyes and then he reopened them again and then he gasped when the sword of the necklace start to glow and then Darling's eyes start to glow along with her hair and outfit and then she start to float in the air and everyone gasped and a shine from her and then everyone close their eyes and then everyone become white.

Everyone reopened their eyes and they saw Darling floating in the air and the landed on the ground softly and then she touch the ground laying down,the color start to go around everything and everyone clothes become colorful again and Chase's hoodie disappeared and he color of red came back and he run up to Darling and he touch her hand and then he gasped as he saw Darling moved and then she got up. "Chase."said Darling she says with a smile. "Darling! You alive!"shouted Chase and he grabbed Darling's wrist Bd spin her around in the air and put her air and everyone run up to her and gave her a hug. "Darling! I miss you!"said Dexter and then he hugged her. "Please don't die in front of me again! I just can't lose my twin!"said Dexter. "Don't worry."said Darling. "Hey everyone! Let's celebrate back at the school!"shouted Raven and everyone ran back to the school.

Darling turn around and she saw Chase. "Hello,my knight in shining armor."said Darling as she walks to him. "What? But I thought you said-" "I know but I know that you are my partner and be your moonlight."said Darling and Chase smiled and then he lean in and then kissed her as the sunrise came up.

To be continued...

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