Chapter 1: Moving Day

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Jack's POV:
"Are you ready?" My mom asked. My mom and I are moving to California because she's trying to find a job. I'm scared because my life in Ireland wasn't so good. I was bullied and the 'friends' I made were faking our friendship. I'm also scared because I have anxiety and I got it bad. I start hyperventilating and I start crying and yelling and sometimes I even pass out.
"I guess so." I replied.
We get it in the car and drive to the airport. During the car ride, I put on my earbuds and listen to music, deep in my thoughts. I think about the new school I have to go to and if I'll make any real friends. I also think about topics that aren't about school. One thing is that i havent come out to my mom because im scared that she won't accept me. I plan to tell her one day though.
"We're here!" Said my mom.
I take my earbuds out and grab my bags, making my way to the front doors.
Time skip
My mother and I were on the plane and I decided to listen to music. I put on Victorious by P!ATD and look out the window. After about 5 minutes into the ride, I fall asleep.
Jack's dream
I was in a white room. I saw my mom sitting in a chair and i walk up to her.
"Ma, I have something to tell you."
"What is it?"
I take a deep breath.
"Ma, I'm gay."
She looked at me with tears in her eyes. She opened her mouth to say something, but suddenly she disappeared. Then the room went black and i just stood there, crying, not knowing if my mother accepts me.
I wake and I am covered on sweat. I look at my mom and she is fast asleep.
P.A.: Attention passengers, we have reached our destination. We hope you enjoyed your flight and have a nice day!
"Ma, we're here." I shook my mother and she opened her eyes. We grabbed our bags, making our way off the plane.
A few moments later
We were outside waiting for a cab. Once it arrived, we got in making our way to the house we were going to live in. When is saw the house, I was in shock. The house was bigger than the one we had in Ireland. Once the car stopped, my mom tipped the cab driver, we got out of the car with our bags, and made our way to the front door.
"Well, lets start unpacking."
1 hour later
We were done unpacking and i was exausted. I went in my room and jumped in bed. I was too tired to put on pajamas. Before I fell asleep, I thought about how my life would be different here.

It's gonna be a long day tomorrow.
I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter of my first Septiplier fanfic. I might update the second chapter later today. Idk yet.

I'm gonna go now.

BYEEEE!!!!! :p

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