Chapter 24: Let's start a Youtube channel

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2 months later
Jack's POV:
Mark and I spend time with each other as much as possible after we graduated from high school. We would go to the movies, hang out at his house or my house, and we would sometimes go out to lunch. That's what we are doing now. We're having lunch at Fran's Kitchen (let me know if you get the reference). We were talking and laughing and enjoying the time we spent together. After lunch, we went to the park. That became the spot we would always go to to just hang out or talk. We sat on the bench and enjoyed the view. It was very beautiful outside. I loved the way the colors blended together when the sun was about to set. I had my head on Mark's shoulder and he had his arm wrapped around me. We we're like this for a while before Mark spoke.
"I have something very important to tell you."
"What is it?" I asked, sitting up and looking at him.
"I got a scholarship at Harvard University!"
My eyes got wide.
He nodded.
"I'm so happy for you!" I said, hugging him.
We were like this until the both of us stood up.
"Well, we should get home."
"Yeah. Wanna stay at my house tonight?" I asked.
"Of course I do!" Mark said with a smile.
We then proceeded to walk to my house. When we went in, my mom wasn't home.
"Let's go upstairs." I said.
We went in my room and sat on my bed.
"Sooo, what so you wanna do?" I asked.
"I know what I wanna do." Mark replied with a grin.
He leaned in and started to kiss me. He started to roughly kiss me. Then we were both laying down on the bed. Then, he started taking off my shirt. As he was taking off his shirt, he continued to kiss me. I stopped him for a second. Is he sure he wants to do this?
"Mark, are you sure about this?"
He nodded.
"Yes, Jack. There is no one else I'd rather do this with than you." He replied.
I nodded and we started kissing again. Mark thne began to tug on my jeans. I unbutton them and pulled them off. Then he took his pants off and things began to get really heated.
The next day
I woke up to see Mark fast asleep next to me. I remembered what we did last night. I couldn't believe that it happened. I got up slowly, being careful not to wake up Mark. I got some clothes and took a shower. After the shower, I got dressed and went in my room. I was surprised to see Mark awake, sitting on the bed on his phone.
"Good Mornin' Markimoo."
"Good Morning Jackaroony."
I sat next to him on the bed and gave him a little peck on the cheek.
"Whatcha doin?" I asked, looking over his shoulder.
"On Instagram. You know, I think we should start a Youtube channel. I've seen other youtubers and it looks like it could be fun."
I thought about it. It did sound fun.
"Ya know what? Let's do it." I said.
He got up and put on his clothes.
"Alright then! Let's go get some equipment. I have a camera and a tripod in my garage. My father liked to record Tom and I as a child."
We went downstairs and ate some breakfast. After that, we went to Mark's house. I was greeted with a smile from Mark's mom.
"Hey Jack. Hi Mark."
"Hi Mrs. Fischbach."
"Hi mom."
"What brings you here Jack?"
"We came over looking for dad's camera. Where is it?" Mark said.
"Why do you need his camera?"
"Because we're starting a Youtube channel." I said.
She smiled at us and pointed to a door.
"Its in there." She said.
"Thanks Mom." Said Mark.
"No problem.
We got the camera and tripod from the closet (which I had figured out when we opened the door) and went upstairs.
"Have fun you two!" Mark's mom yelled to us.
"We will!" I yelled back.
We went in Mark's room and set up the camera and tripod. We created an account called SepticWarfstache. Its because I have a green septic eye and we has a pink mustache that he likes to goof around in, saying his name is Wilfred Warfstache. When we were done setting up our account, we thought of an intro. Once we came up with one, I hit the record button.
At the same time: " Hello everybody!"
"My name Mark-"
"And I'm Jack."
At the same time: "And welcome to our channel!"
"Please forgive us if we're terrible to you guys. We just started this channel." I said.
"Anyways, we just wanna start by saying we hope you guys will like this channel. We will post things like skits, gaming videos, videos thanking you guys and other stuff like that."
"That just about sums everything up. Anyways, we hope you guys enjoyed this little introduction video. If you did, PUNCH that like button IN the face, LIKE A BOSS!
At the same time: And we will see you guys in the next video. Buh-bye!"
Then we stopped the recording, did some editing, and uploaded the video. This is gonna be a fun experience.
Hey guys! I decided to mash up Jack's outro and Mark's outro to see what I could come up with. I think I did a pretty good job. As always, if you liked this chapter, HIT that vote button in the face and feel free to leave comments down below!

I love you guys sooo much and I will see you guys in the next chapter!


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