Chapter 25: A Big Surprise

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After College
Mark's POV:
I've been nervous all day. I just kept fiddling with the black box in my coat pocket.
"You ok?" Felix asked.
"Yeah. I'm just a little nervous."
"Don't be. I'm positive that he'll say yes."
"Thanks Felix."
I continued to walk to Jack's house. His mother also knew what I was doing. She was really excited when I told her. I walked up to the door and Jack answered.
"You ready?"
"Yeah. Lets go."
He closed the door and we proceeded to walk.
"I have a question."
"Ask away."
"Where are you taking me?"
"Its a surprise."
We continued walking until we reached a restaurant. Jack noticed it quickly because his eyes got wide.
"Aww, its the restaurant we went to on our first date."
We walked in, checked in, and went to our seat. We sat at our booth until the waitress came. We ordered our food and continued talking until she came back.
~time skip~
We we're taking a stroll with our hands together. We then started to walk to the park. I figured the park would be a great place to propose to him. His family and my family were already at the park. When we got there, Jack looked confused.
"Mark, what's going on?"
We stopped walking and I took a deep breath.
"Jack, when I first met you, I knew we would end up together somehow. Then we started dating and I never thought that we would ever get this far. I thought that I wouldn't love anyone again. That anyone would ever love me. But then you changed that and now look where we are. I love you so much and I know that I wanna spend the rest of my life with you."
I got on my knee and pulled out the little box.
"Séan William McLoughlin, will you marry me?"
He nodded.
"Yes! Of course I'll marry you ya doof!"
Then our families cheered for us as we kissed and hugged.
Hey guys! I will post an Epilogue of this story! I'm sad that this story is almost over, but I might make a second book. I'm not sure yet. Also, I would like to thank KatCanRule for being there since the beggining of this story.

As always, If you liked this chapter, HIT that vote button in the face and feel free to leave comments down below.

I love you guys sooo much and I will see you in the next chapter!


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