Chapter 8: Bad News

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Three weeks later

Mark's POV:
I was at school, trying to listen to Mr. Baldwin without falling asleep.
Overcom: Mr. Baldwin, could you pick up please?
He went to the phone and talked for about a minute. Then he hung up and looked at me.
"Looks like you get to leave early Mark."
He handed me the homework and gave me a pass. I was confused. Usually my mom would tell me that she would get me from class early, but today she didn't. I took my belongings and headed to my locker. I got my things and headed to the office. When I got there, I saw my brother sitting there. I knew something was up because mom usually picks me up.
"Is there something wrong?" I asked. I was a little concerned, but I tried to hide it.
"I'll explain everything in the car. Let's go."
He got up and we both left. Once we got in the car, he told me what happened.
"We just found out that dad is very sick. I came to get you from school because he's in the hospital."
My heart stopped. Dad was sick? I thought. I started to feel tears sting my eyes, but I held them back. My brother started the car and drove off. I decided to text Jack because I was scared and I neede someone to talk to.

Jack's POV:
I was in class when all of a sudden I heard my phone vibrate. I looked at it to see a message from Mark.
M: I need to talk to you. Can u call me? Its urgent.
I was a little concerned because he said it was urgent. I decided that I would talk to him. I raised my head.
"Question Jack?"
"Yeah. Can I go to the bathroom?"
"Make it quick."
I rushed to the bathroom, locked the door, and proceeded to call Mark. He picked up immediately.
"Mark what's wrong?" I asked.
"Well, I just found out that my dad is in the hospital."
I was shocked. I felt tears starting to stimg my eyes.
"Oh my god! What happened?"
"Well, it turns out that he was diagnosed with cancer."
I could hear the shakiness of Mark's voice. I wanted to cry. I felt so bad for him. I just wanted to hug him.
"I'm so sorry to hear that Mark. I hope he gets better."
"Thanks Jack. I knew I could count on you to make me feel better."
I could practically hear his smile.
"No problem. Now I have to go back to class before I get in trouble. Bye Mark."
"Bye Jack."
Then he hung up. I unlocked the door and headed back the class. When I got back, Mr. Caulfield was in the middle of a lecture. During his lecture, I just kept thinking about Mark. I felt really bad for him. I thought about how this could effect him. I just hoped that his father would get better.
Mark's POV:
While my brother and I were in the hallway waiting, the doctor opened the door and told us we could go in.
"How is he Dr. Lloyd? My brother asked.
"Well, he's not in great condition, but we're trying everything we can to help him."
"Is he going to make it?" I asked. I was starting to tear up a little, hoping that he would fight the cancer and live.
"Well," the doctor started.
"We don't know if he will make it. We are trying everything that we can so that he will live. But in his condition, we might not be successful."
My heart dropped to my stomach. I was scared. I was devistated. I was in tears at this point and my so was my mom. The doctor put his hand on my shoulder.
"Would you like to be alone with him?"
I nodded. The doctor, my mom, and my brother left the room. I just stood there, looking at him.
"W-Why him? Why!?" I managed to say in between sobs. I was so upset. If he didn't live, I don't know what I would do.
I looked up to see my dad looking at me. I gave him a little smile.
"Hey dad." I said, wiping tears from my eyes. I was happy he was talking to me, but also upset because I might not be able to hear his voice again. Then we started talking about random things. Then he said this:
"If i die, I want you to know that I love you so, so, so, so very much."
"I love you too, Dad."
Then I heard beeping. I ran to go get the doctor and was told to stay in the hallway.
Jack's POV:
It was finally after school. When I got out of class, I was stopped by Felix.
"Hey Jack? Guess what happend today?"
"What?" I asked with a smile on my face.
"You remember Cry, right?"
"Well, he asked me out today!"
"Yeah! I'm so happy!"
"Congrats Felix!"
I nodded and told Felix bye. Then I proceeded to walk home. As soon as I got home, I noticed that my mother wasnt home. I figured she was at work. I went upstairs, put my bag on the floor in the corner of my room. Then I felt my phone vibrate. I checked it and saw that Mark was calling me. I answered it and asked how he was doing.
"I'm just upset because the doctor told me that my dad might not live."
My heart stopped. I felt like crying. But I held back these tears.
"I'm soooooo sorry to hear that Mark. Just know that if you ever need anything, I'll be there."
"Thanks Jack. I'm glad I have a friend like you."
"Your welcome. I gotta go charge my phone but I'll talk to you later ok?"
"Ok. Thanks for being there for me."
"Of course. Bye Mark."
Then I hung up. I decided to put some music on. I listened to Let It Go by James Bay. I don't know why but music seems to calm me down. As I was listening to music, I thought about Mark. I thought about how badly I wanted to be there to support and comfort him. I also thought about what Felix told me today. I was happy for him. He's been crushing on Cry for weeks. I remembered how I told him that he likes Cry and Felix kept denying it. I knew that he did because I saw the way he looked at Cry. The way he blushed when Cry would touch him of talked about him. Eventually sleep fought me and won.
Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry it was sooo long. I decided to make Felix and Cry a thing because of how I LOVE PewDieCry! Also, plz don't hurt me for this chapter!

That's it for now


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