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So Jack and Mark have been married for 2 years. They adopted a dog 4 weeks ago. They named her Chica. Mark and Jack decided to make their own dividual channel.
Jack called his channel 'JackSepticEye' and Mark called his 'Markiplier'. Today, they were gonna adopt a child today. They've been talking about it for a few weeks and decided that today would be a good day. So they went down to the adoption center(A/N Idk how adoption works so plz dont hate me if I mess something up) and they were greeted by a familiar face.
"Felix!?" Mark and Jack said at the same.
"Sup guys!" Said Felix.
After talking to Felix, they checked out some children.
"What about her?" Asked Jack.
He pointed to a girl with brown hair and glasses.
"H-hi. My name is Kat."
"Hi Kat. I'm Jack and this is Mark."
"Hi Jack and Mark."
Jack then notices that she has tears in her eyes.
"What's wrong?"
She wiped the tears off her face.
"N-nothing. Dont worry about it."
"Kat, you can talk to me. What's wrong?"
She sighed.
"Those kids keep bullying me. They keep calling me names like four eyes and freak. They also keep telling me that my parents didn't want me because I was ugly."
Now Jack was in tears. He felt bad for her. He hugged Kat and rubbed her back.
"You are NOT ugly. I think you're beautiful. And.......we want to adopt you."
Kat's eyes lit up.
Jack nodded.
"Of course."
They did the paperwork and took Kat home.
Jack, Kat, and Mark sat on the couch and watched a movie. They were happy together.
"Look at our happy family." Said Jack.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
Then they all fell asleep together.

They really were a happy family.

The End!

Well guys, that was the end of He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not! But dont worry because I've decided that I will make a second book! Kat will be played by KatCanRule. If anyone else wants to be in the next book, plz let me know. Anyways, I will let you guys know when I create the second book.

I seriously love all of you guys 😘😘😘


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