Chapter 11: Date Night

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Mark's POV:
Jack and I have been going out for a few weeks now and we told all of our friends. I've been thinking about going on a date. I've thought about it for a while and I think it's about time we go out somewhere nice. So what I've done is plan a nice day for us. I got a reservation at this really nice restaurant that my family went to a few months ago. Then, we're gonna take a little stroll and watch the sunset together. After that, we would walk home together and go home. I had it all planned out. I was so excited, but I couldn't show it or else people would be suspicious about why I'm so happy. Anyways, we were in our second to last class. It was a free period, so I talked to Jack.
"I need you to get ready later. I can't tell you whu because its a surprise."
"Ok. Can't wait." He said, pecking my lips. After a while, the bell rung and I walked to my last class. I walked into class and took my seat. All I could think about was what we were gonna do tonight. I just hoped that it didn't get ruined.

Jack's POV:
While I was in class, all I could think about was what Mark told me today. I was very curious to know what the surprise was, but I tried not to think about it too much.
~Time skip~
When I walked to my locker, I was stopped by Felix. He looked upset and his eyes were red and puffy from crying.
"Oh my god! Felix, what happened?" I asked.
He just hugged me with tears flowing out of his eyes and staining my shirt.
"Shh, its ok Felix. It's gonna be ok."
After a while, he stopped crying.
"Now, tell me why you're upset." I said.
"C-Cry broke u-up with m-me." He replied.
"Why? I thought you guys were perfect for each other."
"I did too. But then Cry thought I began to like Marzia more than him. So he broke up with me. And it hurts so bad." Felix replied.
Then the tears started flowing again. I pulled him into a hug and rubbed circles on his back. After about 5 minutes, he stopped crying.
"Thanks for being there for me Jack. You're like a brother to me."
"Aww, you're welcome Felix. And your like a brother to me too." I replied.
He smiled and he walked off, waving at me. I waved back and went to my locker. Once I grabbed my things, I headed home. When I got home, my mother wasn't there, so I just went upstairs and got ready. I put on one of my suits I had sitting in my closet and my dress shoes. I fixed my hair a little bit and texted Mark.
J: Ready when u r Markimoo
M: Markimoo?
J: It's your nickname I made up for you.
M: Thts sweet. I'll call you.......... Jackaboy.
J: I love it
M: Great. I'll see you in a bit
J: Ok. Ily
M: Ily2 😘
I put my phone in my pocket and went downstairs to wait for Mark. After a while, I heard a knock on my door. I opened it to see Mark in a nice suit. And let me tell you, he looked HOT in that suit. Mark must've noticed that I was staring at him because he started ti chuckle.
"Like what you see?" He said in a low, sexy voice. I blushed a little bit and chuckled as well.
"Let's go."
He nodded as we began to walk. I wondered where he was taking me. After about 10 minutes, we reached a restaurant. When we entered, the nice lady at the desk smiled at us.
"Hello young men. Do you have a reservation?"
Mark nodded and the lady typed on the computer.
"Is your name Mark Fischbach?"
"Yes ma'am."
"We'll please follow me to your seat."
We followed the women to a booth that was by the window.
"Wow Mark. This is amazing!"
He smiled at me.
"I knew you'd like it."
~Another time skip~
At the end of the day, we took a little stroll and watched the sunset together. It was amazing! I loved every second that I spent with Mark. After the sunset, we headed home. When we arrived at my door, we stared into each others' eyes.
"I had fun tonight Mark. Thank you."
"Anything for you Jack."
Then he leaned in and I felt his lips smash against mine. It was just as amazing as the first time. This time, we kissed until we stopped for air.
"Bye Mark. I love you."
"I love you too."
I went in the house with only one thing on my mind:

That was a night to remember.
Hey guys! Don't forget to hit that vote button if you liked this chapter and feel free to leave comments as well. Since I started school today, I will try to update this story as much as I can. I'm trying to figure out a schedule for updating.

Luv you guys! <3


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