Chapter 16: Mark loves me, Right?

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Jack's POV:
Beeeep Beeeep
I hit the button and rubbed my eyes. I looked up to see Mark sleeping. He looks so cute while he sleeps. I decided to wake him up.
"Maaark, wake up."
He was still asleep.
"Mark, wake up."
Still no response.
"MARK WAKE UP!" I yelled in his ear.
"W-what happened? Where am I?"
Then he looked at me.
"Don't do that. You scared the shit out of me."
I giggled.
"Well, you wouldn't wake up. So I yelled in your ear."
I got up and looked for some clothes to wear. I picked out a blue shirt, black jeans, and my black converses. I went to the bathroom to go take a shower. When I was done, I got dressed. Then, I fixed my hair and looked at myself in the mirror. I couldn't get that nightmare out of my mind.
Jack's nightmare
I was at school. I looked across from me to see Mark.
"Hey Mark"
He didn't say anything.
Then he turned around and I saw him with Aaron.
"Look who it is." Aaron said.
"Mark, what's going on?"
He chuckled.
"Can't you see, Jack? I don't love you anymore. Besides, I found someone else."
Then he turned to Aaron and kissed him. I felt my heart break into a million pieces. Then they disappeared and I was left in the room, crying.
~End of nightmare~
I shook the image out of my head and went back to my room to see Mark already dressed.
"Are you ok, Jack? You seem a little stressed."
I forced a little smile.
"I'm fine."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm positive."
He stopped asking me questions and we left the room.
~time skip~
As we hung out, all I thought about was the nightmare I had last night. The dream seemed so real. I decided that I would tell Mark about it. We were walking back to my house and Mark spoke.
"Jack, are you ok? You seem distracted."
I sighed.
"Once we reach my house, I'll tell you what's wrong."
After about 5 minutes, we arrived at my house. We went in and sat on the couch.
"Now, What's wrong?"
I sighed.
"I had a dream that you left me for another guy and you said that you didn't love me anymore."
I felt tears sting my eyes. I didn't realize Mark had tears in his eyes until I looked at them. Then, he pulled me into a hug.
"I would never leave you for anyone. I love you and only you."
I felt the tears stream down my face as we hugged. We were like this for a while until we went in my room to hang out. We just talked and laughed. It felt good to know that Mark would never leave me for anyone else. I never really had anyone. I was always that one kid who sat in the back of the class. I would always spend my time locked in my room because my house was the only place I could go to so I could run away from the bullies. My panic attacks were very frequent when I was little. But now, they only happen every once in a while. But other than that, I'm glad I'll always have Mark by my side.
Hey guys! I was at the fair today and I got home at around 10 p.m.
I am very tired, but I decided to update bc you guys seem to enjoy this story and I love writing it!

Anyways, make sure to HIT that vote button if you liked this chapter and feel free to leave comments down below.


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