Chapter 9: Goodbye

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A few weeks later

Jack's POV:
I decided to be with Mark to help him. His father was in the hospital and the doctors say that he isn't getting any better. I could tell that Mark was both scared and upset. I would always be there with him whenever he needed a friend to comfort him. Mark and I would go to the bathroom whenever Mark was about to have a breakdown. It broke my heart to see him like this. We were in the bathroom now, sitting in the corner. Mark was in tears and seeing him like this made me tear up a little.
I rubbed his back and said comforting words like "Its gonna be ok" and "Things will get better."
"I just want him to be ok. I just want to be with him and do all the things we did together."
Mark was hugging his knees crying.
"It'll be ok. I'm sure that he will be ok and you guys will be together for a long time." I replied. After about 10 minutes of this, we headed back to class. After school, Mark decided to go to the hospital. I went with him to make sure he would be ok. When we arrived at the hospital, we asked for Mr. Fischbach's room. I had to say that I was his cousin because they would only let family members see him. We got to his room and when I saw him, I wanted to cry. He looked very pale and he had all types of wires attached to him. He saw Mark and smiled. When he saw me, he looked confused. Mark must've seen his confusion because he immediately introduced me.
"Dad, this is my friend Jack. He's been helping me whenever I broke down. He's a really great friend."
I smiled and waved.
"It's very nice to meet you Mr. Fischbach." I replied.
"Nice to meet you too, Jack." He said. He smiled a little which made Mark and I smile too. We just talked for a while until I decided to let Mark and his dad have a moment to themselves.
Mark's POV:
I held my dad's hand with tears in my eyes. I held them back and forced a little smile.
"I love you so much Mark." My dad said.
"I love you too Dad." I said, a tear streaming down my cheek. Then I saw him close his eyes and heard a flatline. My heart stopped. Tears started to stream down both of my cheeks.
"No, no, no, no, no! You can't die! Not now!" Doctors started to rush in and I was told to wait outside. I saw Jack and I instantly hugged him.
"He can't be gone, Jack. He can't."
My breath was shaky and I couldn't stop crying. I cried until I couldn't cry anymore. Then the doctor came outside and put a hand on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry."
I didn't think I could cry again until I felt tears come out of my eyes. I couldn't believe it. He's...... gone. Eventually, We took Jack home. After that, we went home. When we got home, I went right into my room and cried into my pillow. Then I heatd a knock on my door. I yelled come in and my brother came in with a puffy eyes. He'd been crying too. I held my arms out for a hug. He sat down and I hugged him, crying into his shoulder. He rubbed my back as more tears stained his shirt.
"Shhh, its ok. Its gonna be ok." My brother said. After a while of crying, I fell asleep with only one thing on my mind:
He's gone.
Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm soooooo sorry for this chapter! Plz dont hurt me! *hides in the corner*

Anyways, since I start school tomorrow, I won't be able to update as often. So my plan is to update any chance I get. Also, I would like to recommend another story (*says sarcastically* shocker!). Its called Kik- Septiplier by BooperDooper777. I thought it was a fantastic story and that she did a great job!

That's all


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