Chapter 2: The First Day

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Jack's POV:
I hit the snooze button and got out of bed. I took a shower and put on my red t-shirt, my blue jeans, and my black converses. I go downstairs and see that my mom is not home. I decide to eat a granola bar and head to school.
10 minutes later

I arrive at the school and head to the office to get my schedule.
"Good morning. Are you new here?"
"State your first and last name please."
"Sean McLoughlin."
I can hear the Principal typing on the computer. She is a very a fast typer.
"Ok Mr. McLoughlin. I will have a student here to help you. By the way, here is your schedule."
I took the paper and said thank you.
"You can sit down if you want."
I went to the chair she pointed to and sat down, waiting to see who would be helping me. Then she spoke into the intercom.
"Mark Fischbach, please come to the office."
I thought about the possibilites of who he was. He could be a big bully or a nice person. I hear the door open and I see a boy that looks a little taller than me walk in. He had on a red flannel, a shirt that said 'Markiplier' and had a pink mustache on it, black jeans, and black vans. He also wore glasses and had pink hair.
"Hi Mark. I called you down here because we have a new student and i want you to help him out."
He had looked at me and smiled.
"Hi. I'm Sean, but you can call me Jack."
"Hi Jack. Nice to meet you." He said, holding his hand out. I shook his hand and then got up.
"Let me see your schedule."
I gave him my schedule. After he looked at it, he had a smile on his face.
"Looks like we have all but one class together." Said Mark.
"Cool." I said. As we were walking, we just talked about random things like what our favorite game is, what kind of music we liked, and other things.
"I like your hair." Said Mark.
"Thanks. I like yours too." I said.
Eventually, we had reached the class and we both walked in.
"Looks like we have a new student in the class. Please state your name." Said Mr. Harrison.
"Hi. I'm Sean, but I prefer to be called Jack."
"Well Jack, go ahead and take your seat."
I nodded and found a seat next to someone in the back row. When i sat down, the person next to me introduced his self.
"Hi. I'm Felix."
"Hi Felix."
I took out a pencil and looked at the paper that was in front of me. The subject was math. I wasn't bad at math, but I wasn't good at it either.
Time skip to after the bell rings
I walk to my locker to grab my things for the next subject and put everything else in my locker. My next class was band. I was excited for this class because I loved music. As a child, I wanted to play the drums. On Christmas, my mom got me a drum set and I used play all the time. I eventually snapped out of my thoughts and closed my locker. When I closed it, Mark was standing right there.
"Jesus Christ, Mark! You scared the shit out of me!"
Mark started laughing hysterically at my reaction.
"I.... I know..... that was the..... the point." Mark said in between laughs. I looked at him and started laughing too. After about a minute of laughing, I asked Mark where the room for band was. We started asking down the hall, talking and laughing as shared stories about each other. Then he asked me this:
"Did you miss Ireland?"
Then I started to think about the memories I had. Most of them were bad, but I had a few good memories. I looked at him and shook my head.
"No, not really. I didn't have a lot of friends there and my life was kinda boring there. It always rained and it would be sunny every once in a while." I said.
"Oh. In Cincinnati, it was almost always sunny. We barely got any rain and it was always hot." Said Mark.
After a few more stories, we finally reached the band room. We waved goodbye and he walked off to his class. I walked into the band room and sat down, waiting for the teacher to come. After about 2 minutes, the teacher showed up.
"Hello class. Today we have a new member of this band. Sean McLoughlin, would you like to share something about yourself?"
I stood up and took a deep breath.
"Hi. I'm Sean, but I prefer to be called Jack. Uh, I always dreamt about playing the drums ever since I was little and I just moved here from Ireland."
I sat back down and looked at the teacher. Then the person next to me spoke.
"What a coincidence seeing you here." He said.
It was Felix.
"Yeah, it is. What instument do you play?" I asked.
"I play the trumpet." Said Felix.
"Cool." I said.
Time skip to the end of the day
I walk to my locker and grab all my stuff. Then I see Mark and I walk up to him.
"Hey Mark." I said
He looked at me in surprise.
"Oh! Hey Jack. I didn't see you there." Said Mark.
After he got his stuff, we began walking. As we were walking, this dude came up to us and was snickering.
"Look at what we have here. Dork number one and Dork number two."
I looked at Mark, who looked mad.
"Leave us alone, Darren." Said Mark in a low angry tone.
"What are gonna do if i don't?" Said Darren.
"Just go away Darren." I said quietly.
He looked at me with a mean glare.
"What did you say to me?" Said Darren.
I just looked at him and said nothing. Then he smirked.
"That's what I thought." Said Darren.
Then he just walked past us and we walked away.
"Don't mind him. He just likes to bully people to make them do what he wants." Said Mark.
I nodded my head and we continued to walk and talk. I learnes that we have some of the same interests. When we got to the front door of my house, Mark looked at me with a smile on his face.
"Looks like we're neighbors." Said Mark.
Then he handed me a slip of paper and walked off to his house. I unlocked the door and went in.
"Ma?" I yelled.
There was no answer so she must still be at work. I decide to go upstairs to my room. I went in and closed my door. I threw my bag on the ground in the corner of the wall. I sat on my bed and looked at the piece of paper. It was his number.
I took out my phone and put his number in my phone. I decide to text him.
Jack: Hey Mark
Mark: Who is this?
Jack: Its Jack
Mark: Hi Jack
Jack: What are you up to?
Mark: Oh nothin just playing video games
Jack: What game?
Mark: Its a game called Whack Your Boss. Its a game where you find different ways to kill your boss
Jack: Cool.
Then I hear the front door open.
Jack: I gtg but I'll talk to you later
Mark: K. Bye Jackaboy
Jack: Bye
I smiled at the nickname before making my way downstairs to help my mom.
"Hey Sean."
"Hey ma."
I grab some of the bags and put the groceries away.
"How was work, ma?" I asked.
"Pretty tiring. How was school?"
"It was fine. I made a new friend who lives right next door to us." I repiled.
"That's great!" Said my mom.
As I was putting the groceries away, I started to think about coming out to her. I think that she would be supportive but I'm still not sure yet. After a lot of thinking, I decided to tell her today. After putting the groceries away, I sat down next to my mom thinkinf about what i would say.
"Ma, can we talk?" I asked.
"Of course we can. What's wrong?" She said.
I take a deep breath and start to feel nervous.
"Nothing is wrong. I just need to tell you something important."
"What is it?" She asked.
"Ma...... I'm gay." I said.
After I said it, I felt tears stinging my eyes, afraid that her reaction would be bad.
"Oh sweetheart, its ok. I still love you, no matter who you love." Said my mom.
I gave her hug and thanked her for being supportive. I felt better after telling her.
Magical time skip
I sat in my room staring at the ceiling. I had thought about the day I had. I smiled at the thought of having a friend who shared the same interests as me. I eventually close my eyes and slowly fall asleep.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry its so long. Anyways, the first person who gets the reference of a song in this chapter, I will put them in the next chapter.


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