Chapter 3: Friends

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Jack's POV:
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I hit the snooze button and get out of bed, getting ready for another day at school. I wake up and take a shower. I decided to wear a black t-shirt, blue jeans, my green hoodie, and put on my dark blue vans. I grab my bag and my phone and head downstairs. I grab a banana because I wasn't really hungry. After eating the banana, I head out the door. I see Mark outside and decided to join him.
"Hey Mark."
"Is it ok if I walk with you?" Right after I asked that, I blushed.
"Sure. I don't mind."
So as we walked, we talked about random things and cracked some jokes about different games.
We arrive at school and I head to my locker to get my math books, my notebook, and a pencil. I close my locker and head to my class.
5 mimutes into class later
Felix and I were whispering the whole time while Mr. Harrison was talking about square roots and such. We were making jokes about the students and even doing impressions.
"Ok, ok. Here's my impression of Darren. 'Im Darren and I like to bully people and I'm a giant moron.'
At that point, We both burst into laughter.
"SEAN AND FELIX! HALLWAY! NOW!" Mr. Harrison yelled.
Felix and I walked into the hallway and leaned against the lockers, giggling and still making jokes.
Time skip
Lunch was next and I was excited because I was very hungry. I walked around with Felix and Mark. I sat with them at lunch and saw two more people sit at the same table we were at.
"Jack, this is Ken." Mark said, pointing at the guy with an animal hat on.
"And this is Cry." Mark said, pointing to a man in a white mask.
"Nice to meet you, Jack." Said Ken.
"Nice to meet you too, Ken." I replied.
I just sat there in the silence, eating my lunch while everyone else were talking about a video game that they had just played recently.
"I was on a killing spree until Mark shot me and I died." Said Felix.
"Hey, its not my fault that I happened to see you hiding." Said Mark. "You should've picked a better hiding spot."
After that, all we did was tell dick jokes and talk about some of the students.
"There goes the bell. Lets go Mark." I said. I threw my trash away and we headed to Science. To be honest, I like walking with Mark. I felt like he was a true friend. But what I asked him made me swear at myself for asking.
"Hey Mark?"
"Are we friends?"
"No, we're not friends." He paused for a moment and I began to feel sad until he said:
"We're BEST friends!"
I smiled and felt relieved. It felt good knowing that if I need to talk to somebody, I could always count on Mark.
Time skip
The final bell had rung and I was excited to go home. I grabbed my things and went to my locker. I took out my bag and put everything in it. I closed my locker and waited for Mark. When he was done, we made our way out the door. Luckily, Darren didn't stop us like yesterday, but I still felt nervous. I shook those feelings away and focused on walking home with my friend-- er, best friend.

Mark's POV(Surprise!)
We were walking home, talking about the normal random things we talk about. I looked at Jack. He looked so happy and it made me happy. We continued talking until we reached Jack's house.
"Well, I'll talk to you later, Mark." Said Jack.
"Cool. Hey, maybe later we could play a game together at my house ."
Jack thought about it for a moment, and then responded.
"Sounds fun. See you later, Mark."
"See ya."
I waved goodbye and made my way to my house. I smiled and went in.
"Hey Mom."
"Hey sweetheart! How was your day?"
"It was fine. Listen, I was wondering if I could have a friend over later. He just moved here and I lives right next to us."
She thought for moment, then looked at me with a smile.
"Sure you can. What's his name?"
"Ok then. Well, I gotta get going. I'm working a late shift and I don't wanna be late." She said, kissing my forehead.
"Bye mom."
And with that, she was gone. I decided to text Jack to see when he was coming over.
Mark: When are you coming over?
Jackaboy: Hold on. I gotta ask my mom.
Mark: Ok. Let me know what she says.
Jackaboy: I will. :)
I set my phone down and went into the kitchen to grab a quick snack. Then I sat down on the couch and felt my phone vibrate.
Jackaboy: Good news! My mom said yes. I'll be there in a minute.
Mark: Awesome! See you soon
I went into my room and set up my wii and stacked my games on my tv stand. Then I heard the doorbell. He's here I thought. I went downstairs and opened the door.
"Well, Come on in!" I said in a goofy voice. Jack laughed a little before stepping in.
"Thank you, kind sir." Said Jack in a prince like tone.
I closed the door behind him and practically yanked up stairs. He sat on my bed while I got the games.
"What game do you wanna play?" I asked.
"Do you have Mario Kart?"
"As a matter a fact, I do." I replied.
I gave Jack a controller and put the game in the Wii. We played Mario Kart for at least an hour. After that, we decided to watch a movie. Within 30 minutes into the movie, Jack was asleep on my chest. He looked so adorable while he was sleeping. I looked back at the movie and a few minutes later, I felt myself drifting off and going to sleep.
A/N 1017 words(not including this A/N)
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Sorry its so long.

That's all I've gotta say

BYEEE!!!!!!! :P


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