Chapter 12: Let's Party

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Mark's POV:
It was after school and I was walking to my locker. Then, I was stopped by Wade.
"Mark, there's a party going on tonight at Matthias' and I was wondering if you wanna go. You can also bring Jack as well."
"I don't know about that Wade."
"C'mon, it'll be fun."
"Fine, but I have to ask Jack if he wants to go."
"Awesome! See you guys at the party!"
Then he walked off to his locker. I continued to walk to my locker and get my stuff out of it. Then I went to Jack's locker. When he was done, we started walking.
"So Wade told me there was going to be a party at Matthias' house and was wondering if you wanna go with me."
We stopped walking for a moment, but then he spoke.
"I don't see why not!"
"Cool! Lets go to my house."
We walked to my house, hand in hand. When we got there, my mom wasn't home. I guess she went out somewhere. We walked upstairs to my room and closed the door. We sat on my bed and talked.
"I have a secret that you can't tell ANYONE."
"Tell me the secret."
"Ok," Jack said. "Just promise me you won't tell anyone."
"I, Mark Fischbach, will not tell a single soul your secret." I said.
"Alright. When I was little, I used to sleep with a stuffed teddy bear. And I still sleep with it sometimes."
I smiled.
"That's so adorable!" I said.
"I only sleep with it if I get anxiety."
My smile faded and I started to feel bad.
"You have anxiety?" I asked.
"Yeah. It started when I was at school in Ireland. People used to bully me and I didn't really have any friends. But then I moved here and I met you. At first, I thought that things in my past would happen again. But you made my life better. You brought me happiness and you stayed by my side whenever I needed you. So thank you so much Mark."
At this point, Jack and I were in tears. I pulled him in for a hug and he cried into my shirt. I rubbed little circles on his back.
"You're welcome Jack. I love you so much."
"I love you too Mark."
Then I pecked his lips and got up.
"Well, we better get going if we want to make it to that party. Unless, you changed your mind and you don't wanna go."
He shook his head.
"No, It's ok. I still wanna go."
Jack's POV:
We left his house and walked to Matthias' house. When we got there, music was blasting. We opened the door and the smell of alcohol was very strong. We saw two people making out on the couch and we saw our friends sitting in a circle on the floor. We decided to join them.
"Hey guys! Mind if we join?" Mark asked.
"Not at all. We were just in the middle of playing truth or dare. But first, take this." Said Matthias, holding two cups. Mark and I took the cup and gulped it down. Then I felt a little woozy. We sat down and continued the game.
"Ok Jack. Truth or dare?"
"I dare you and Felix to spend the next 5 minutes holding hands."
I blushed and looked at Mark. He nodded to let me know it was ok. So I sat by Felix and held his hand.
"Ok my turn." Said Wade.
"Felix, truth or dare?"
"Uh..... Truth."
"Are you crushing on anyone right now?"
"I don't have a crush, but I miss Cry." Said Felix.
"By the way, 5 minutes are up now." Said Bob.
I let go of Felix's hand and spoke.
"My turn. Wade, truth or dare?"
"I dare you to kiss any girl in this room."
He got up and walked towards a girl with brown and purple hair. He tapped her shoulder. She turned around and he kissed her. Then Wade came back and sat down.
"My turn." Said Bob. "Mark, truth or dare."
Then they whispered for a while and eventually, Matthias stood up.
"Mark, Jack, come with me."
We got up and followed him to a room. When we got there, he closed the door and locked us inside.
"We dare you guys to spend 20 minutes in there."
Then I heard footsteps trail off. I looked at Mark and he had a smile on his face. Before I could say anything, he started to roughly kiss me. I kissed back and tugged on his hair, which made him moan. Then he started to put his hands up my shirt and he took it off. I took his shirt off too and we stopped kissing for air. Then Mark picked me up bridal style and carried me to the bed. No. What am I doing? I shouldn't be doing this. My thoughts screamed at me. But my heart told me that I wanted this. That I needed this. Mark then tugged at my jeans and that's when I listened to my thoughts.
"Mark, we shouldn't be doing this."
He didn't listen to me and continued to tug at my jeans again.
"Mark, let me go."
Still didn't listen.
"I SAID LET ME GO MARK!" I yelled, pushing him off me. He looked at me with wide eyes. I grabbed my shirt and put it back on.
"I-I'm sorry." I said.
"Don't be. You told me to get off and I didn't. I should've listened to you. I'm sorry."
"Its ok." I said.
I walked over to the door and yelled for Matthias to let us out. I heard footsteps and the door unlock. I opened the door and rushed back to the group on the floor. We decided to stop the game and just talk. After that, Mark and I left. We didn't really say anything, but we walked hand in hand. When we arrived at my door, Mark spoke.
"I hope nothing will be weird between us now. I really am sorry about earlier."
"Its fine. And nothing will be weird between us."
Then I gave him a peck on the lips and went my house. I ran to my room and flopped on my bed. All I could think about was what happened at the party. I just hoped that it didn't ruin the relationship we have.
Hey guys! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Today, I didn't have school bc of the weather and I decided to update today! I won't put any smut in this story, but I will put some fluff here and there. Like always, hit that vote button if you liked it and feel free to leave comments.

Btw, thank you so much for 75 reads! That is amazing! I never thought this story would get this far!

Luv you guys! <3


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