Chapter 7: Can you keep a secret?

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Jack's POV:
I decide that I would contact Felix. He gave me all his social medias(facebook, twitter, instagram, etc.) and his phone number.
J: hey Felix
F: Hey Jack
J: I have 2 important things to tell you.
F: What is it?
I was scared because I haven't told Felix that I was gay yet. I figured that I would tell him just to get it off my chest.
J: The first thing I want to tell you is that I'm gay.
He didn't reply at first. I got scared thinking that I just lost another friend. Then my phone buzzed.
F: Well, I'll still be your friend no matter what. Now what's the second thing you wanna tell me?
I trusted Felix enough to tell him my secret.
J: Can u keep a secret?
F: Of course!
J: Ok. I kinda like Mark.
J:Yeah, I do.
J: Just promise me that you wont tell anyone, especially Mark.
F: I promise!
Then I felt movement. I looked over to my side and saw Mark waking up. I forgot that he had stayed over my house last night.
"Good morning, Jack."
I blushed, making my face very red. Oh my god his voice is soooo hot! I thought.
"Mornin' Mark!" I replied.
"Why are you up so early?"
I shrugged.
"I don't know. I guess I'm just an early bird."
We both chuckled. Then he got up, grabbed his bag, and went into the bathroom. I sat in my room thinking about how I wanted Mark to be my boyfriend. But then I started thinking about how I would have no chance with him and how he's probably not even into guys.

Mark's POV:
While I was in the bathroom, I started to think about Jack. I couldn't stop thinking about him. I tried to stop thinking about him, but I couldn't. It was something about him. When I was done, I got dressed, put my clothes in my bag, and went back in Jack's room. When he saw me, he smiled. I felt butterflies in my stomach. Why do I feel this way? I thought. I started to think of possibilities of why I felt this way. I sat on the bed as he went into the bathroom. Then I continued to think of the possibilities. Then there was one thought that shocked me:
Is it possible that I like Jack?
I didn't think it was possible for me to like Jack. I always told myself and other people that I was straight. But now I'm starting to think that I'm gay or bisexual. Then I started to think some more. So what if I like Jack. That doesn't mean that he likes me back. Then I decided that I would go back home. When Jack came in his room, I told him that I was gonna go home.
"Already?" Jack pleaded.
I nodded.
"I gotta go home eventually." I replied.
Then he started smiling.
"How about we just hang out for the day? You know, just the two us, laughing and having fun."
I thought about it. My parents weren't home right now so I guess it would be okay.
"I don't see why not." I said.
Jack looked so happy when I told him that I would hang out with him. His smile is the reason that I smiled along with him. It made ne happy to see that I make him happy.
~Time Skip~
Jack's POV:
Mark and I went to the arcade, got lunch, and went to the playground we had went to the day I came out to him. When we got there, we sat on the bench. We just sat there and talked and we also laughed. Then, Mark and I watched the sunset. As the sun was going down, I put my head on his shoulder. Then I blushed and quickly removed it.
"Sorry.' I said, feeling a little embarrassed.
"I dont mind." Said Mark.
I decided to put my head back on his shoulder. Then he put his arm around my shoulder and we sat there like that for a while. Then we looked at each other. We stared at each other for a while. Then Mark suddenly got up.
"I, uh...... better get home." Mark said, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Yeah, uh....m-me too." I studdered. We then proceeded to walk home. When I got home, I went went right upstairs and flopped on my bed. My mind was flooding with thoughts. Then one thought made me smile a little:
Is it possible that Mark likes me too?
Hey guys! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! If you liked it hit that vote button in the face and feel free to leave comments.

That's it for now


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